Saeed Mohammadi Nasr
Saeed is a student in Nanotechnology Engineering. He has a strong background in the field of biodegradable polymers tailored specifically for biomedical applications. His expertise in the intersection of material science and medical applications is highlighted through his work on the utilization of biodegradable polymers in cardiac tissue engineering, as well as the research conducted on bioresorbable composite polymeric materials for applications in tissue engineering. These endeavors demonstrate his comprehensive knowledge in developing innovative solutions for biomedical challenges. He started work on the Biodegradable Cryogel Composites for Cardiac Patch Application project in October 2023. The objective of this project is to develop biodegradable cryogel composites specifically designed for application in cardiac patches. These customizable, biodegradable composites show great potential for advancing cardiovascular treatments.
Advisor(s): Clementine Boutry
Program: Erasmus