The group has organized its research in several tracks or research themes, each consisting of a number of related projects.
MEMS Technology
The general concept of microsystems technology is to combine new materials with IC technology and micromachining technologies.
Flexible and Stretchable Electronics
Silicon chips are usually relatively thick, they are not flexible and certainly not stretchable.
Micro/Nano System Integration and Reliability
Heterogenous system integration, wide bandgap semiconductor sensors, digital twin and reliability, multi-scale and multi-physics modeling, advanced 2D materials and devices
Organs-on-Chip (OoCs) are dynamic microfluidic devices which aim to recapitulate functions and (patho)physiology of organs within a physiologically relevant microenvironment.
Biodegradable Technologies
Activities on biodegradable technologies at ECTM focus on biodegradable MEMS, a new class of microelectromechanical systems composed entirely of biodegradable materials, including sensors, actuators and electrical circuits, for medical and environmental applications.
Analog and power integrated circuit design (APIC)
Advanced sensor materials
Future smart sensor require material innovation to reach the desired performance or functionality. We focus on the application of nanomaterials for improved sensing, and the use of wide bandgap semiconductors for harsh environment sensors.