List of courses
EE1P11 Classical and Quantum Mechanics (5 EC)
(not running) "Classical and Quantum Mechanics" (EE1P11) teaches the basic elements of physics that are required to become an electrical engineer.
EE2G1 Electrical Engineering for the Next Generation (10 EC)
BSc 2nd year project
EE2L11 EPO-3: Design a Chip (5 EC)
(not running) Structural hierarchical design of a VLSI chip, implemented using Sea-of-Gates
EE3345TU Introduction to Physics of Electronics (1 EC)
(not running) A brief overview of introductory material in electromagnetics (EM) and quantum mechanics (QM), which forms the basis for later courses in the Minor of Physics of Electronics.
EE3365TU Basics of Microfabrication (4 EC)
(not running)
EE3375TU Basics of Solid-State Physics (4 EC)
(not running)
EE4705 Solid state physics (3 EC)
Material physics and physics of semiconductor devices
EE4710 Solid state physics with quantum and nano electronics (5 EC)
EE4C01 Profile orientation and academic skills (3 EC)
Introduction to the EE program and research groups
EE4C08 Measurement and instrumentation (5 EC)
A broad introduction to measurement and instrumentation systems
EE4C10 Analog circuit design fundamentals (5 EC)
ET4127 Themes in biomedical electronics (4 EC)
BioMEMS, biosensors, bioelectronics, ultrasound, microfluidics, wavefield imaging in monitoring, diagnosis and treatment
ET4277 Microelectronics reliability (4 EC)
Reliability issues involved in electronic components and system
ET4289 Integrated circuits and MEMS technology (4 EC)
introduction in the fabrication technologies used for Integrated Circuits and MEMS
ET4382 Power conversion techniques in CMOS technology (3 EC)
This course teaches you how to design class D audio amplifiers, inductive and capacitive DC-DC converters in CMOS technology.
ET4391 Advanced microelectronics packaging (3 EC)
Basics and state-of-the-art of semiconductor device packaging and system integration.
ET4icp IC technology lab (2 EC)
Hands-on experience on process simulations, fabrication in the EKL cleanroom and measurement on the fabricated devices