prof.dr. P.M. Sarro
Electronic Components, Technology and Materials (ECTM), Department of Microelectronics
Expertise: Integrated silicon sensor and MEMS technology, electronic material processing and novel 3D micro/nanostructures; Organ-on-chip Technology
Themes: MEMS Technology, Organs-on-chip, Micro/Nano System Integration and ReliabilityBiography
Lina (Pasqualina M.) Sarro is Professor in Microsystems Technology at the Electronic Components, Technology and Materials Laboratory, Department of Microlelectronics, at TU Delft. She is internationally recognized for her work on integrated silicon sensors and micro/nano-electro-mechanical (MEMS/NEMS) technology. Present research in her group includes: 3D micro and nanostructuring; 3D integration schemes, including 3D interconnects; Organ-on-Chip devices; novel materials and structures for MEMS and NEMS for applications in health, environment, automotive and scientific instrumentation.
After receiving a Laurea degree in Physics (magna cum laude) from the University of Naples (1980), Sarro was postdoctoral Fellow at Brown University, USA (1981-1983). In 1987 she received a PhD in Electrical Engineering from TUD and joined DIMES (Delft Institute of microsystems and nanoelectronics) to establish and lead research on silicon micromachining, integrated sensor, MEMS and material processing. In 2001 she was appointed Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Full Professor for research merits. From 2009 to 2016 she was head of the Department of Microelectronics, with ±70 research, teaching and support staff, more than 100 PhD students and 90-100 MSc students.
Since 2006 she is a member (elected) of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and IEEE Fellow. She is the recipient of the Eurosensors Fellow Award(2004), The AISEM Career Award (2007), The IEEE Sensors Council Meritorious Award (2012), Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion (2015) and Knight of the Order of the Italian Star (2016) and co-recipient of the Rudolph Kingslake Medal (1997). In 2018 she received the prestigious IEEE Robert Bosch Micro and Nano Electro Mechanical Systems Award for pioneering contributions in novel materials, material integration and innovations in MEMS and strong commitment to education and technology transfer.
She was Associate Editor for the IEEE Sensors Journal from 2006 to 2009 and is Associate Editor of the IEEE JMEMS journal since 2014. She is (or has been) member of the International Steering Committee for several international conferences (IEEE MEMS, IEEE Sensors, Eurosensors, Transducers). She was the Technical Program Chair for the first three IEEE Sensors Conferences (2002- 2004) and the General co-chair of IEEE MEMS 2009 Conference; the General co-chair for IEEE Sensors 2014 and the European TPC Chair for Transducers 2015. Moreover, she has served and serves on several international advisory boards, scientific councils and panels for research.
She has authored and co-authored more than 500 journal and conference papers and supervised more than 30 PhD students and numerous MSc students. Her research is supported by many national and European grants. In 2017 she was PI of the Gravity grant (NWO Zwaartekracht) NOCI (Netherlands Organ on Chip Initiative).
EE4C01 Profile orientation and academic skills
Introduction to the EE program and research groups
ET4289 Integrated circuits and MEMS technology
introduction in the fabrication technologies used for Integrated Circuits and MEMS
Education history
EE3365TU Basics of Microfabrication
(not running)
Netherlands Organ-on-Chip Initiative
To develop new microphysiological platforms to better predict the effect of medicines, based on a combination of human stem cells and microtechnology.
Projects history
Monolithically integrated SiC sun sensor for Space
Artificial Dielectrics for High-frequency On-Chip antennas
Goal: To achieve optimized, reliable, flexible and low-cost manufacturing of the breakthrough technology of Artificial Dielectric (AD) layers, as the solution to the surface-wave problem of high-frequency on-chip antennas.
AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) Gas Sensor Platform Development
AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) Gas Sensor Platform Development
Piezoelectric Technology for Liquid Applications
Thermal management in 3d heterogeneous integration
Wafer-scale fabrication of graphene for sensing applications
Sensing Devices for Organ on Chip Technology
Fabrication of Ultrathin Dynodes for Timed Photon Counter
BiopsyPen: A portable coherent tomography scanner
Smart Optics
Artificial Dielectric Layer for Terahertz application
MEMS nanoreactors for atomic-scale microscopy of nanomaterials under industrially relevant conditions
MEMS nanoreactors are used to study chemical reactions in high-resolution microscopes
Carbon nanotube and atomic layer based solid-state supercapacitors
Thin-film encapsulation of MEMS microcavities
With zero-level packaging or thin-film encapsulation, MEMS are already sealed during wafer processing.
- FORCETRACKER: A versatile tool for standardized assessment of tissue contractile properties in 3D Heart-on-Chip platforms
J. M. Rivera-Arbeláez; M. Dostanić; Laura M. Windt; J. M. Stein; C. Cofiño-Fabres; T. Boonen; M. Wiendels; A. van den Berg; L. I. Segerink; C. L. Mummery; P. M. Sarro; B. J. van Meer; M. C. Ribeiro; M. Mastrangeli; R. Passier;
Volume 20, Issue 2, pp. e0314985, 2025. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0314985 - Highly-sensitive wafer-scale transfer-free graphene MEMS condenser microphones
Roberto Pezone; Sebastian Anzinger; Gabriele Baglioni; Hutomo Suryo Wasisto; Lina Sarro; Peter Steeneken; Sten Vollebregt;
Microsystems & Nanoengineering,
Volume 10, Issue 27, pp. 1-9, 2024. DOI: 10.1038/s41378-024-00656-x - Effect of air-loading on the performance limits of graphene microphones
R. Pezone; G. Baglioni; C. Van Ruiten; S. Anzinger; H. S. Wasisto; P. M. Sarro; P. G. Steeneken; S. Vollebregt;
Applied Physics Letters,
Volume 124, Issue 12, 2024. DOI: 10.1063/5.0191939 - Rectification in Ionic Field Effect Transistors Based on Single Crystal Silicon Nanopore
Hao Hong; Xin Lei; Jiangtao Wei; Yang Zhang; Yulong Zhang; Jianwen Sun; Guoqi Zhang; Pasqualina M. Sarro; Zewen Liu;
Advanced Electronic Materials,
pp. 2300782, 2024. DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202300782 - Transparent Electroactive Actuators for Organ-on-Chip Platforms
A. Tajeddin; A. Hunt; P. M. Sarro; M. Mastrangeli;
In EUROoCS Annual Meeting 2024,
3-5 July 2024. - Manufacturing thin ionic polymer metal composite for sensing at the microscale
Paul Motreuil-Ragot; Andres Hunt; Leandro N. Sacco; Pasqualina M. Sarro; Massimo Mastrangeli;
Smart Materials and Structures,
Volume 32, pp. 035006, 2023. DOI: 10.1088/1361-665X/acb305 - Microfabricated albedo insensitive sun position sensor system in silicon carbide with integrated 3D optics and CMOS electronics
Joost Romijn; Sten Vollebregt; Vincent G. de Bie; Luke M. Middelburg; Brahim El Mansouri; Henk W. van Zeijl; Alexander May; Tobias Erlbacher; Johan Leijtens; Guoqi Zhang; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
Volume 354, pp. 114268, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2023.114268 - An organ-on-chip device with integrated charge sensors and recording microelectrodes
Hande Aydogmus; Michel Hu; Lovro Ivancevic; Jean-Philippe Frimat; Arn M. J. M. van den Maagdenberg; Pasqualina M. Sarro; Massimo Mastrangeli;
Scientific Reports,
Volume 13, Issue 8062, 2023. DOI: - Study on the controllability of the fabrication of single-crystal silicon nanopores/nanoslits with a fast-stop ionic current-monitored TSWE method
Hao Hong; Jiangtao Wei; Xin Lei; Haiyun Chen; Pasqualina M. Sarro; Guoqi Zhang; Zewen Liu;
Microsystems & Nanoengineering,
Volume 9, pp. 63, 2023. DOI: 10.1038/s41378-023-00532-0 - Optical self-cooling of a membrane oscillator in a cavity optomechanical experiment at room temperature
P. Vezio; M. Bonaldi; A. Borrielli; F. Marino; B. Morana; P.M. Sarro; E. Serra; F. Marin;
Physical Review A,
Volume 108, pp. 063508, 2023. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.108.063508 - Low Noise Opto-Electro-Mechanical Modulator for RF-to-Optical Transduction in Quantum Communications
Michele Bonaldi; Antonio Borrielli; Giovanni Di Giuseppe; Nicola Malossi; Bruno Morana; Riccardo Natali; Paolo Piergentili; Pasqualina Maria Sarro; Enrico Serra; David Vitali;
Volume 25, Issue 7, 2023. DOI: 10.3390/e25071087 - Miniaturized engineered heart tissues from hiPSC-derived triple cell type co-cultures to study human cardiac function
L Windt; M. Wiendels; M. Dostanic; M. Bellin; P. M. Sarro; M. Mastrangeli; C. L. Mummery; B. J. van Meer;
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,
Volume 681, pp. 200-211, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2023.09.034 - The construction and characterization of MgO transmission dynodes
Hong Wah Chan; V. Prodanovic; A. Theulings; S. Tao; J. Smedley; C. Hagen; P. Sarro; H. van der Graaf;
Journal of Instrumentation,
Volume 18, pp. P06028, 2023. DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/18/06/P06028 - Highly reproducible tissue positioning with tapered pillar design in engineered heart tissue platforms
M. Dostanic; L. M. Windt; M. Wiendels; B. J. van Meer; C. L. Mummery; P. M. Sarro; M. Mastrangeli;
In IEEE 36th Intl. Conf. on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS2023),
2023. DOI: 10.1109/MEMS49605.2023.10052166 - High-performance wafer-scale transfer-free graphene microphones
Roberto Pezone; Gabriele Baglioni; Pasqualina M. Sarro; Peter G. Steeneken; Sten Vollebregt;
In IEEE 36th Intl. Conf. on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS2023),
2023. DOI: 10.1109/MEMS49605.2023.10052360 - A Highly Sensitive Capacitive Displacement Sensor For Force Measurement Integrated In An Engineered Heart Tissue Platform
Milica Dostanic; Filippo Pfaiffer; Mahdieh Shojaei-Baghini; Laura M. Windt; Maury Wiendels; Berend J. van Meer; Christine L. Mummery; Pasqualina M. Sarro; Massimo Mastrangeli;
In 22nd International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS 2023),
25-29 June 2023. - Wafer-scale Transfer-free Graphene MEMS Condenser Microphones
Roberto Pezone; Gabriele Baglioni; Leonardo di Paola; Pasqualina M. Sarro; Peter G. Steeneken; Sten Vollebregt;
In 22nd International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS 2023),
document - Design And Fabrication Of A Smart Vaporasing Liquid
Microthruster For Cubesat Applications
Georgios Spernovasilis; Henk W. van Zeijl; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
In 22nd International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS 2023),
2023. - High aspect-ratio multi-layer graphene MEMS condenser microphones
Roberto Pezone; Gabriele Baglioni; Pasqualina M. Sarro; Peter G. Steeneken; Sten Vollebregt;
In Graphene Week,
document - Downscaled engineered heart tissues of entirely hiPSC-derived 3-cell-type co-culture are functional and viable over several weeks
L. Windt; M. Wiendels; M. Dostanic; M. Bellin; P. M. Sarro; M. Mastrangeli; C. L. Mummery; B. van Meer;
In MPS World Summit 2023,
26-30 June 2023. - A highly-sensitive integrated capacitive sensor for contractile force measurement in an engineered heart tissue platform
M. Dostanic; F. Pfaiffer; M. S. Baghini; L. Windt; M. Wiendels; B. J. van Meer; C. Mummery; P. M. Sarro; M. Mastrangeli;
In MPS World Summit 2023,
26-30 June 2023. - Integrated Digital and Analog Circuit Blocks in a Scalable Silicon Carbide CMOS Technology
Joost Romijn; Sten Vollebregt; Luke M. Middelburg; Brahim El Mansouri; Henk W. van Zeijl; Alexander May; Tobias Erlbacher; Guoqi Zhang; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
Volume 69, Issue 1, pp. 4-10, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TED.2021.3125279 - Rapid Prototyping of Organ-on-a-Chip Devices Using Maskless Photolithography
Dhanesh G. Kasi; Mees N. S. de Graaf; Paul A. Motreuil-Ragot; Jean-Phillipe M. S. Frimat; Michel D. Ferrari; Pasqualina M. Sarro; Massimo Mastrangeli; Arn M. J. M. van den Maagdenberg; Christine L. Mummery; Valeria V. Orlova;
Volume 13, pp. 49, 2022. DOI: 10.3390/mi13010049 - Sensitive Transfer-Free Wafer-Scale Graphene Microphones
Roberto Pezone; Gabriele Baglioni; Pasqualina M. Sarro; Peter G. Steeneken; Sten Vollebregt;
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,
Volume 14, Issue 18, pp. 21705-21712, 2022. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.2c03305 - Direct Wafer-Scale CVD Graphene Growth under Platinum Thin-Films
Yelena Hagendoorn; Gregory Pandraud; Sten Vollebregt; Bruno Morana; Pasqualina M. Sarro; Peter G. Steeneken;
MDPI Materials,
Volume 15, Issue 10, pp. 3723, 2022.
document - Angle Sensitive Optical Sensor for Light Source Tracker Miniaturization
Joost Romijn; Secil Sanseven; Guoqi Zhang; Sten Vollebregt; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
IEEE Sensors Letters,
Volume 6, Issue 6, pp. 1-4, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/LSENS.2022.3175607 - Ultra-thin corrugated metamaterial film as large-area transmission dynode
Hong Wah Chan; V. Prodanović; A.M.M.G. Theulings; T. ten Bruggencate; C.W. Hagen; P.M. Sarro; H. v.d. Graaf;
Journal of Instrumentation,
Volume 17, pp. P09027, 2022. DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/17/09/P09027 - Integrated 64 pixel UV image sensor and readout in a silicon carbide CMOS technology
Joost Romijn; Sten Vollebregt; Luke M. Middelburg; Brahim El Mansouri; Henk W. van Zeijl; Alexander May; Tobias Erlbacher; Johan Leijtens; Guoqi Zhang; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
Nature Microsystems & Nanoengineering,
Volume 8, pp. 114, 2022. DOI: 10.1038/s41378-022-00446-3 - Recording neuronal activity on chip with segmented 3D microelectrode arrays
Nele Revyn; Michel. H. Y. Hu; Jean-Philippe M. S. Frimat; B. de Wagenaar; Arn M. J. M. van den Maagdenberg; Pasqualina M. Sarro; Massimo Mastrangeli;
In 35th Intl. Conf. on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2022),
January 9-13 2022. DOI: 10.1109/MEMS51670.2022.9699597 - Visible Blind Quadrant Sun Position Sensor in a Silicon Carbide Technology
Joost Romijn; Sten Vollebregt; Alexander May; Tobias Erlbacher; Henk W. van Zeijl; Johan Leijtens; GuoQi Zhang; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
In 35th Intl. Conf. on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2022),
2022. DOI: 10.1109/MEMS51670.2022.9699533 - Wafer-Scale Transfer-Free Sensitive Graphene Microphones
Roberto Pezone; G. Baglioni; P.M. Sarro; P.G. Steeneken; S. Vollebregt;
In Graphene Week,
document - Ionic polymer metal composite-based microfluidic flow sensor for bio-MEMS applications
P. Motreuil-Ragot; G. Turcan; B. de Wagenaar; A. Hunt; P. M. Sarro; M. Mastrangeli;
30 October - 2 November 2022. DOI: 10.1109/SENSORS52175.2022.9967281 - Analysis of Platinum Distribution within a Nafion 212 Membrane during Electroless Deposition
P. Motreuil-Ragot; A. Hunt; L. N. Sacco; P. M. Sarro; M. Mastrangeli;
In 242nd Electro Chemical Society Meeting,
9-13 October 2022. - Tapered pillars increase tissue position reproducibility in engineered heart tissue platforms
M. Dostanic; L. M. Windt; J. M. Stein; B. J. Van Meer; C. L. Mummery; P. M. Sarro; M. Mastrangeli;
In EUROoCS Conference 2022,
4-5 July 2022. - Ionic polymer metal composite (IPMC)-based micropump for organs-on-chip
P. Motreuil-Ragot; D. Kasi; B. de Wagenaar; A. Hunt; V. Orlova; A. M. J. M. van den Maagdenberg; P. M. SARRO; M. Mastrangeli;
In EUROoCS Conference 2022,
4-5 July 2022. - Hybrid Silicon-Polymer Multi-Modal Sensing Device for Organ-on-Chip
H. Aydogmus; M. Hu; J.-P. Frimat; A. M. J. M. van den Maagdenberg; P. M. Sarro; M Mastrangeli;
In EUROoCS Conference 2022,
4-5 July 2022. - Highly-Conformal Sputtered Through-Silicon Vias with Sharp Superconducting Transition
J. A. Alfaro-Barrantes; M. Mastrangeli; D. J. Thoen; S. Visser; J. Bueno; J. J. A. Baselmans; P. M. Sarro;
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems,
Volume 30, Issue 2, pp. 253-261, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/JMEMS.2021.3049822 - Multi-Layer Graphene Pirani Pressure Sensors
Romijn, Joost; Dolleman, Robin; Singh, Manvika; van der Zant, Herre; Steeneken, Peter; Sarro, Pasqualina; Vollebregt, Sten;
IOP Nanotechnology,
Volume 32, Issue 33, pp. 335501, 2021. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/abff8e - Influence of defect density on the gas sensing properties of multi-layered graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition
Filiberto Ricciardella; Sten Vollebregt; Rita Tilmann; Oliver Hartwig; Cian Bartlam; Pasqualina M. Sarro; Hermann Sachdev; Georg S.Duesberg;
Carbon Trends,
Volume 3, pp. 100024, 2021.
document - Enhanced Sensitivity Pt/AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure NO₂ Sensor Using a Two-Step Gate Recess Technique
Jianwen Sun; Teng Zhan; Robert Sokolovskij; Zewen Liu; Pasqualina M. Sarro; Guoqi Zhang;
IEEE Sensors Journal,
Volume 21, Issue 15, pp. 16475-16483, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3082205 - Active feedback cooling of a SiN membrane resonator by electrostatic actuation
A. Borrielli; M. Bonaldi; E. Serra; P. M. Sarro; B. Morana;
Journal of Applied Physics,
Volume 130, pp. 014502, 2021.
document - Secondary electron emission from multi-layered TiN/Al2O3 transmission dynodes
Hong Wah Chan; V. Prodanovic; A. Theulings; C. Hagen; P. Sarro; H. van der Graaf;
Journal of Instrumentation,
Volume 16, pp. P07024, 2021. DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/16/07/P07024 - Towards a Scalable Sun Position Sensor with Monolithic Integration of the 3d Optics for Miniaturized Satellite Attitude Control
J. Romijn; S. Vollebregt; H. W. van Zeijl; G. Zhang; J. Leijtens; P. M. Sarro;
In 2021 IEEE 34th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS),
pp. 642-645, Jan 2021. DOI: 10.1109/MEMS51782.2021.9375434 - Recording 3D neuronal activity on chip with segmented 3D microelectrode arrays
N. Revyn; M. H. Y. Hu; J.-P. Frimat; A. M. J. M. van den Maagdenberg; P. M. Sarro; M. Mastrangeli;
In EUROoCS Conference 2021,
online, 1-2 July, 2021. - FET-based integrated charge sensing in a MEM organ-on-chip platform
H. Aydogmus; H. J. van Ginkel; A.-D. Galiti; M. H. Y. Hu; J.-P. Frimat; A. M. J. M. van den Maagdenberg; G.Q. Zhang; M. Mastrangeli; P. M. Sarro;
In EUROoCS Conference 2021,
online, 1-2 July, 2021. - Dual-gate FET-based charge sensor enhanced by in-situ electrode decoration in a MEMS organs-on-chip platform
H. Aydogmus; H. J. van Ginkel; A.-D. Galiti; M. Hu; J.-P. Frimat; A. van den Maagdenberg; G.Q. Zhang; M. Mastrangeli; P. M. Sarro;
In 21st Int. Conf. on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS 2021),
online, 20-25 June, 2021. - An engineered heart tissue platform with integrated pacing microelectrodes
M. Dostanic; L. Windt; J. Stein; B. van Meer; A. Diakou; C. L. Mummery; P. M. Sarro; M. Mastrangeli;
In EUROoCS Conference 2021,
online, 1-2 July, 2021. - ForceTracker: A versatile tool for contractile force assessment in 3D organ-on-chip platforms
J. M. Rivera-Arbelaez; M. Dostanic; J. M. Stein; A. van den Berg; L. I. Segerink; C. L. Mummery; P. M. Sarro; M. Mastrangeli; M. C. Ribeiro; R. Passier;
In EUROoCS Conference 2021,
online, 1-2 July, 2021. - Microelectronmechanical organs-on-chip
Massimo Mastrangeli; Hande Aydogmus; Milica Dostanic; Paul Motreuil-Ragot; Nele Revyn; Bjorn de Wagenaar; Ronald Dekker; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
In 21st Int. Conf. on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS 2021),
online, 20-25 June, 2021. - Quantum Signature of a Squeezed Mechanical Oscillator
A. Chowdhury; P. Vezio; M. Bonaldi; A. Borrielli; F. Marino; B. Morana; G. A. Prodi; P. M. Sarro; E. Serra; F. Marin;
Physical Review Letters,
Volume 124, pp. 023601, 2020. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.023601 - Low-Impedance PEDOT:PSS MEA Integrated in a Stretchable Organ-on-Chip Device
Affan K. Waafi; Nikolas Gaio; William F. Quiros-Solano; Paul Dijkstra; Pasqualina M. Sarro; Ronald Dekker;
IEEE Sensors,
Volume 20, Issue 3, pp. 1150-1157, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2019.2946854 - Self-aligned micro-optic integrated photonic platform
A. Jovic; N. Sanchez Losilla; J. Sancho Durá; K. Zinoviev; J. L. Rubio Guivernau; E. Margallo-Balbás; M. Mastrangeli; G. Pandraud; P. M. Sarro;
Applied Optics,
Volume 59, Issue 1, pp. 180-189, 2020. DOI: 10.1364/AO.59.000180 - Low-Humidity Sensing Properties of Multi-Layered Graphene Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition
Filiberto Ricciardella; Sten Vollebregt; Tiziana Polichetti; Pasqualina M. Sarro; Georg S. Duesberg;
MDPI Sensors,
Volume 20, Issue 11, pp. 3174, 2020.
document - Wafer-scale transfer-free process of multi-layered graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition
Filiberto Ricciardella; Sten Vollebregt; Bart Boshuizen; F.J.K. Danzl; Ilkay Cesar; Pierpaolo Spinelli; Pasqualina Maria Sarro;
Material Research Express,
2020. DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/ab771e - The Impact of Gate Recess on the H2 Detection Properties of Pt-AlGaN/GaN HEMT Sensors
Robert Sokolovskij; Jian Zhang; Hongze Zheng; Wenmao Li; Yang Jiang; Gaiying Yang; Hongyu Yu; Pasqualina M. Sarro; Guoqi Zhang;
IEEE Sensors,
Volume 20, Issue 16, pp. 8947-8955, 2020.
document - Superconducting High-Aspect Ratio Through-Silicon Vias with DC-Sputtered Al for Quantum 3D integration
J. A. Alfaro-Barrantes; M. Mastrangeli; D. J. Thoen; S. Visser; J. Bueno; J. J. A. Baselmans; P. M. Sarro;
IEEE Electron Device Letters,
Volume 41, Issue 7, pp. 1114-1117, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/LED.2020.2994862 - A miniaturized EHT platform for accurate measurements of tissue contractile properties
M. Dostanic; L. M. Windt; J. M. Stein; B. J. van Meer; M. Bellin; V. Orlova; M. Mastrangeli; C. L. Mummery; P. M. Sarro;
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems,
Volume 29, Issue 5, pp. 881-887, July 2020. DOI: 10.1109/JMEMS.2020.3011196 - The influence of H2 and NH3 on catalyst nanoparticle formation and carbon nanotube growth
R. Pezone; S. Vollebregt; P.M. Sarro; Sandeep Unnikrishnan;
Volume 170, pp. 384-393, 2020.
document - Low power AlGaN/GaN MEMS pressure sensor for high vacuum application
Jianwen Sun; Dong Hu; Zewen Liu; Luke Middelburg; Sten Vollebregt; Pasqualina M. Sarro; Guoqi Zhang;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
Volume 314, pp. 112217, 2020.
document - Quantum motion of a squeezed mechanical oscillator attained via an optomechanical experiment
P. Vezio; A. Chowdhury; M. Bonaldi; A. Borrielli; F. Marino; B. Morana; G. A. Prodi; P. M. Sarro; E. Serra; F. Marin;
Physical Review A,
Volume 102, pp. 053505, 2020.
document - A high responsivity and controllable recovery ultraviolet detector based on a WO3 gate AlGaN/GaN heterostructure with an integrated micro-heater
Sun, Jianwen; Zhang, Shuo; Zhan Teng; Liu, Zewen; Wang Junxi; Yi Xiaoyan; Li Jinmin; P. M. Sarro; GuoQi Zhang;
Journal of Materials Chemistry C,
Volume 8, Issue 16, pp. 5409-5416, 2020. DOI: 10.1039/D0TC00553C
document - FET-based charge sensor for organs-on-chip with in-situ electrode decoration
H. Aydogmus; H. J. van Ginkel; M. Mastrangeli; GuoQi Zhang; P.M. Sarro;
In International MicroNanoConference,
December 2020. - Enabling Actuation and Sensing in Organs-On-Chip Using Electroactive Polymers
P. Motreuil-Ragot; A. Hunt; D. Kasi; B. Brajon; A. M. J. M. van den Maagdenberg; V. Orlova; M. Mastrangeli; P. M. Sarro;
In IEEE 3rd International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft 2020),
2020. DOI: 10.1109/RoboSoft48309.2020.9115977 - Fabrication of Al-based superconducting high-aspect ratio TSVs for quantum 3D integration
J. A. Alfaro-Barrantes; M. Mastrangeli; D. J. Thoen; J. Bueno; J. J. A. Baselmans; P. M. Sarro;
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2020),
2020. DOI: 10.1109/MEMS46641.2020.9056165 - Miniaturized engineered heart tissues from human induced pluripotent cell-derived co-culture
L. Windt; M. Dostanic; J. Stein; V. Meraviglia; G. Campostrini; M. Bellin; V. Orlova; M. Mastrangeli; P. M. Sarro; B. van Meer; C. Mummery;
In EUROoCS Conference 2020,
2020. - A 3D microelectrode array to record neural activity at different tissue depths
T. de Rijk; M. Hu; J.-P. Frimat; A. M. J. M. van den Maagdenberg; P. M. Sarro; M. Mastrangeli;
In EUROoCS Conference 2020,
July 2020. - FET-based integrated charge sensor for organ-on-chip applications
H. Aydogmus; M. Dostanic; M. Jahangiri; R. Sinha; W. F. Quiros-Solano; M. Mastrangeli; P. M. Sarro;
In IEEE Sensors 2020,
2020. DOI: 10.1109/SENSORS47125.2020.9278692 - Metal and Polymeric Strain Gauges for Si-Based, Monolithically Fabricated Organs-on-Chips
Quirós-Solano, William F.; Gaio, Nikolas; Silvestri, Cinzia; Pandraud, Gregory; Dekker, Ronald; Sarro, Pasqualina M.;
Volume 10, Issue 8, pp. 536, Aug 2019. DOI: 10.3390/mi10080536
document - Analysis of a calibration method for non-stationary CVD multi-layered graphene-based gas sensors
Filiberto Ricciardella; Tiziana Polichetti; Sten Vollebregt; Brigida Alfano; Ettore Massera; Lina Sarro;
IOP Nanotechnology,
Volume 30, pp. 385501-1-8, 2019. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/ab2aac
document - Characterization of an Acetone Detector based on a Suspended WO3-Gate AlGaN/GaN HEMT Integrated with Micro-heater
Jianwen Sun; Robert Sokolovskij; Elina Iervolino; Fabio Santagata; Zewen Liu; Pasqualina M. Sarro; GuoQi Zhang;
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
2019. DOI: 10.1109/TED.2019.2936912
document - Growth of multi-layered graphene on molybdenum catalyst by solid phase reaction with amorphous carbon
Filiberto Ricciardella; Sten Vollebregt; Evgenia Kurganova; A.J.M. Giesbers; Majid Ahmadi; Lina Sarro;
2D Materials,
Volume 6, pp. 035012, 2019. DOI: 10.1088/2053-1583/ab1518 - Calibrated quantum thermometry in cavity optomechanics
Chowdhury, Avishek; Vezio, Paolo; Bonaldi, Michele; Borrielli, Antonio; Marino, Francesco; Morana, Bruno; Pandraud, Gregory; Pontin, Antonio; Prodi, Giovanni; Sarro, Lina; Serra, Enrico; Marin, Francesco;
Quantum Science and Technology,
2019. - Suspended tungsten trioxide (WO3) gate AlGaN/GaN heterostructure deep ultraviolet detectors with integrated micro-heater
Jianwen Sun; Teng Zhan; Zewen Liu; Junxi Wang; Xiaoyan Yi; Lina Sarro; GuoQi Zhang;
Optics Express,
Volume 27, Issue 25, 2019.
document - Suspended AlGaN/GaN HEMT NO2 Gas Sensor Integrated with Micro-heater
Jianwen Sun; Robert Sokolovskija; Elina Iervolino; Zewen Liu; Pasqualina M. Sarro; GuoQi Zhang;
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems,
document - MEMS Enabled Fast Time-Resolved X-Ray Diffraction Characterization Platform for Copper Nanoparticle Sintering in Heterogeneous Integration Applications
Boyao Zhang; Jia Wei; Bottger, A. J.; van Zeijl, H. W.; Sarro, P. M.; GuoQi Zhang;
In 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems & Eurosensors XXXIII (TRANSDUCERS & EUROSENSORS XXXIII): Proceedings. Danvers: IEEE,
2019. DOI: 10.1109/TRANSDUCERS.2019.8808192 - Wafer-scale integration of CVD graphene on CMOS devices using a transfer-free approach
Sten Vollebregt; Joost Romijn; Henk W. van Zeijl; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
In Graphene Week,
2019. - Free-standing, Transfer-free Graphene-based Differential Pressure Sensors
R. Ramesha; S. Vollebregt; P.M. Sarro;
2019. - A miniaturized EHT platform for contractile tissue measurements
M. Dostanic; L. Windt; J. Stein; B. van Meer; M. Mastrangeli; C. Mummery; P. M. Sarro;
In International MicroNanoConference,
Utrecht (NL), December 10-11, 2019. - Transfer-free Graphene-based Differential Pressure Sensor
Raghutham Ramesha; Sten Vollebregt; Lina Sarro;
2019. - Enabling actuation and sensing in organs-on-chip using electroactive polymers
P. Motreuil-Ragot; A. Hunt; D. Kasi; B. Brajon; A. van den Maagdenberg; V. Orlova; M. Mastrangeli; P. M. Sarro;
In International MicroNanoConference,
Utrecht (NL), December 10-11, 2019. - A wafer-scale process for the monolithic integration of CVD graphene and CMOS logic for smart MEMS/NEMS sensors
Joost Romijn; Sten Vollebregt; Henk W. van Zeijl; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
In IEEE 32nd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). Piscataway: IEEE,
2019. DOI: 10.1109/MEMSYS.2019.8870741 - Sensor applications for organ-on-chip platforms
H. Aydogmus; M. Dostanic; M. Jahangiri; R. Sinha; W. F. Quiros-Solano; M. Mastrangeli; P. M. Sarro;
In International MicroNanoConference,
Utrecht (NL), December 10-11, 2019. - Microengineered organs-on-chip
H. Aydogmus; M. Dostanic; P. Motreuil-Ragot; M. Mastrangeli; P. M. Sarro;
Poster, presented at QBio Symposium, Utrecht (NL), October 29, 2019. - Full wafer transfer-free graphene
Filiberto Ricciardella; Sten Vollebregt; Lina Sarro;
Patent, WO2019125140; NL2020111, 2019. - Effect of thermal annealing and chemical treatments on secondary electron emission properties of atomic layer deposited MgO
Violeta Prodanovic; Hong Wah Chan; Anil U. Mane; Jeffrey W. Elam; Matthias M. Minjauw; Christophe Detavernier; Harry van der Graaf; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A,
Volume 36, Issue 6, pp. 06A102-1-9, 2018.
document - Microfabricated tuneable and transferable porous PDMS membranes for Organs-on-Chips
W. F. Quirós-Solano; N. Gaio; O. M. J. A. Stassen; Y. B. Arik; C. Silvestri; N. C. A. Van Engeland; A. Van der Meer; R. Passier; C. M. Sahlgren; C. V. C. Bouten; A. van den Berg; R. Dekker; P. M. Sarro;
Scientific Reports,
pp. 13524, 2018. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-31912-6 - Advances in the electronics for cyclic voltammetry: the case of gas detection by using microfabricated electrodes
Giorgio Pennazza; Marco Santonico; Luca Vollero; Alessandro Zompanti; Anna Sabatini; Nandeesh Kumar; Ivan Pini; William F Quiros Solano; Lina Sarro; Arnaldo D'Amico;
Frontiers in Chemistry,
Volume 6, pp. 327, 2018.
document - Carbon Nanotube Array: Scaffolding Material for Opto, Electro, Thermo, and Mechanical Systems
Amir M. Gheytaghi; H. van Zeijl; S. Vollebregt; R.H. Poelma; C. Silvestri; R. Ishihara; G. Q. Zhang; P. M. Sarro;
Innovative Materials,
Volume 3, pp. 22-25, 2018. - Quantum nondemolition measurement of optical field fluctuations by optomechanical interaction
A Pontin; M Bonaldi; A Borrielli; L Marconi; F Marino; G Pandraud; GA Prodi; PM Sarro; E Serra; F Marin;
Physical Review A,
Volume 97, Issue 3, pp. 033833, 2018. - A MEMS Actuator System for an Integrated 3-D Optical Coherent Tomography Scanner
Aleksandar Jovic; Grégory Pandraud; Nuria Sanchez Losilla; Juan Sancho; Kirill Zinoviev; Jose Luis Rubio; Eduaro Margallo-Ballbas; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems,
Volume 27, Issue 2, pp. 259-268, 2018.
document - Hydrogen sulfide detection properties of Pt-gated AlGaN/GaN HEMT-sensor
Sokolovskij, R.; Zhang, J.; Iervolino, E.; Zhao, C.; Santagata, F.; Wang, F.; Yu, H.; Sarro, P. M.; GuoQi Zhang;
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,
2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2018.08.015 - Ultra-thin Alumina and Silicon Nitride MEMS Fabricated Membranes for the Electron Multiplication
Violeta Prodanović; Hong Wah Chan; W A van der Graaf; Lina Sarro;
Volume 29, pp. 155703, 2018.
document - MEMS-based multi-modal vibration energy harvesters for ultra-low power autonomous remote and distributed sensing
Iannacci, J.; Serra, E.; Sordo, G.; Bonaldi, M.; Borrielli, A.; Schmid, U.; Bittner, A.; Schneider, M.; Kuenzig, T.; Schrag, G.; Pandraud, G.; Sarro, P. M.;
Microsystem Technologies,
pp. 5027-5036, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s00542-018-3923-1 - Effects of Conformal Nanoscale Coatings on Thermal Performance of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes
Cinzia Silvestri; Michele Riccio; René H. Poelma; Aleksandar Jovic; Bruno Morana; Sten Vollebregt; Andrea Irace; GuoQi Zhang; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
Volume 14, Issue 20, pp. 1800614, 2018. DOI: 10.1002/smll.201800614 - A Highly Miniaturized Single-chip MOMS Scanner for All-in-one Imaginging Solution
A. Jovic; T. Uto; K. Hei; J. Sancho; N. Sanchez; K. Zinoviev; J.L. Rubio; E. Margallo; G. Pandraud; P.M. Sarro;
In 31th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS),
2018. - A novel method to transfer porous PDMS membranes for high throughput Organ-on-Chip and Lab-on-Chip assembly
William.F Quirós-Solano; Nikolas Gaio; Cinzia Silvestri; Oscar M. J. A. Arik; Yusuf, B. Stassen; Andries van der Meer; Carlijn V.C. Bouten; Albert van den Berg; Ronald Dekker; P.M. Sarro;
In 31th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS),
pp. 318-321, 2018. - A transfer-free approach to wafer-scale graphene deposited by chemical vapour deposition
Sten Vollebregt; Filiberto Ricciardella; Joost Romijn; Manvika Singh; Shengtai Shi; Lina Sarro;
In Graphene Conference,
2018. (invited).
document - Vacuum Assisted Liquified Metal (VALM) TSV Filling Method With Superconductive Material
J.A. Alfaro; P.M. Sberna; C. Silvestri; M. Mastrangeli; R. Ishihara; P.M. Sarro;
In 31th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS),
2018. DOI: 10.1109/MEMSYS.2018.8346611 - A Multi Well Plate Organ-on-chip (Ooc) Device For In-vitro Cell Culture Stimulation And Monitoring
N. Gaio; A. Waafi; M.L.H. Vlaming; E. Boschman; P. Dijkstra; P. Nacken; S.R. Braam; C. Boucsein; P.M. Sarro; R. Dekker;
In 31th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS),
2018. - A Miniaturized Low Power Pirani Pressure Sensor Based on Suspended Graphene
Joost Romijn; Sten Vollebregt; Robin J. Dolleman; Manvika Singh; Herre S.J. van der Zant; Peter G. Steeneken; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of IEEE NEMS,
2018. - Effect of droplet shrinking on surface acoustic wave response in microfluidic applications
Thu Hang Bui; Van Nguyen; Sten Vollebregt; Bruno Morana; Henk van Zeijl; Trinh Chu Duc; P.M. Sarro;
Applied Surface Science,
Volume 426, pp. 253-261, 2017.
document - Liquid identification by using a micro-electro-mechanical interdigital transducer
Thu Hang Bui; Bruno Morana; Atef Akhnoukh; Trinh Chu Duc; Pasqualina M Sarro;
Volume 142, Issue 5, pp. 763-771, 2017. - Effects of graphene defects on gas sensing properties towards NO2 detection
Filiberto Ricciardella; Sten Vollebregt; Tiziana Polichetti; Mario Miscuglio; Brigida Alfano; Maria L. Miglietta; Ettore Massera; Girolamo Di Francia; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
Volume 9, pp. 6085-6093, 2017.
document - CVD transfer-free graphene for sensing applications
Chiara Schiattarella; Sten Vollebregt; Tiziana Polichetti; Brigida Alfano; Ettore Massera; Maria Lucia Miglietta; Girolamo Di Francia; Pasqualina Maria Sarro;
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology,
Volume 8, pp. 1015-1022, 2017.
document - A transfer-free wafer-scale method for the fabrication of suspended graphene beams for squeeze-film pressure sensors
S. Vollebregt; R.J. Dolleman; H.S.J. van der Zant; P.G. Steeneken; P.M. Sarro;
In Graphene Week,
2017. - An Innovative Approach to Overcome Saturation and Recovery Issues of CVD graphene-Based Gas Sensors
F. Ricciardella; S. Vollebregt; T. Polichetti; B. Alfano; E. Massera; P. M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of IEEE Sensors Conference,
pp. 1224-1226, 2017. - Integrated SiGe Detectors for Si Photonic Sensor Platforms
Gregory Pandraud; Silvana Milosavljevic; Amir Sammak; Matteo Cherchi; Aleksandar Jovic; Pasqualina Sarro;
In Proceedings of Eurosensors,
pp. 559, 2017. - Wafer-scale measurements of the specific contact resistance between different metals and mono- and multi-layer graphene
S. Vollebregt; M. Singh; D.J. Wehenkel; R. van Rijn; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. of the 43rd international conference on Micro and Nanoengineering (MNE),
pp. 152, 2017. - Low Temperature CVD Grown Graphene for Highly Selective Gas Sensors Working under Ambient Conditions
Filiberto Ricciardella; Sten Vollebregt; Tiziana Polichetti; Brigida Alfano; Ettore Massera; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of Eurosensors 2017,
pp. 445, 2017.
document - Polymeric strain gauges as pressure sensor for microfabricated organ-on-chips
W.F. Quiros Solano; N. Gaio; C. Silvestri; G. Pandraud; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc.of Transducers 2017, the 19th International Conference on Solid-state Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems,
pp. 1296-1299, 2017. - High sensitive CVD graphene-based gas sensors operating under environmental conditions
Filiberto Ricciardella; Sten Vollebregt; Tiziana Polichetti; Brigida Alfano; Ettore Massera; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
In Graphene Conference,
2017. - Ultra-thin ALD MGO membranes as mems transmission dynodes in a timed photon counter
Violeta Prodanovic; Hong Wah Chan; Anil U Mane; Jeffrey W Elam; Harry VD Graaf; Pasqualina M Sarro;
In Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2017 IEEE 30th International Conference on,
pp. 740-743, 2017. - Horizontally aligned carbon nanotube scaffolds for freestanding structures with enhanced conductivity
Cinzia Silvestri; Federico Marciano; Bruno Morana; Violeta Podranovic; Sten Vollebregt; GuoQi Zhang; Pasqualina M Sarro;
In Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2017 IEEE 30th International Conference on,
pp. 266-269, 2017. - Two novel MEMS actuator systems for self-aligned integrated 3D optical coherent tomography scanners
Aleksandar Jovic; Gregory Pandraud; Nuria Sanchez; Juan Sancho; Kirill Zinoviev; Jose L Rubio; Eduardo Margallo; Pasqualina M Sarro;
In Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2017 IEEE 30th International Conference on,
pp. 797-800, 2017. - Pt-AlGaN/GaN HEMT-Sensor for Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Detection
R Sokolovskij; E Iervolino; C Zhao; F Santagata; F Wang; H Yu; PM Sarro; GuoQi Zhang;
In Proceedings of Eurosensors,
pp. 463, 2017. - Suspended graphene beams with tunable gap for squeeze-film pressure sensing
S. Vollebregt; R.J. Dolleman; H.S.J. van der Zant; P.G. Steeneken; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc.of Transducers 2017, the 19th International Conference on Solid-state Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems,
pp. 770-773, 2017. - Potential applications of electron emission membranes in medicine
Yevgen Bilevych; Stefan E. Brunner; Hong Wah Chan; Edoardo Charbon; Harry van der Graaf; Cornelis W. Hagen; Gert Nützelf; Serge D. Pintof; Violeta Prodanović; Daan Rotman; Fabio Santagata; Lina Sarro; Dennis R. Schaar;
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,
Volume 809, pp. 171-174, 2016. - SiNW-FET in-Air Biosensors for High Sensitive and Specific Detection in Breast Tumor Extract
F. Puppo; M.-A. Doucey; J.-F. Delaloye; T.S.Y. Moh; G. Pandraud; P.M. Sarro; G. De Micheli; S. Carrara;
IEEE Sensors Journal,
Volume 16, Issue 10, pp. 3374-3381, 2016.
document - A mixing surface acoustic wave device for liquid sensing applications: Design, simulation, and analysis
T.H. Bui; B. Morana; T. Scholtes; T. Chu Duc; P.M. Sarro;
Journal of Applied Physics,
Volume 120, Issue 7, pp. 074504, 2016. - Cytostretch, an Organ-on-Chip Platform
Gaio, N.; van Meer, B.; Quiros Solano, W.; Bergers, L.; van de Stolpe, A.; Mummery, C.; Sarro, P.M.; Dekker, R.;
Volume 7, Issue 7, pp. 120, 2016. - Control of recoil losses in nanomechanical SiN membrane resonators
A. Borrielli; L. Marconi; F. Marin; F. Marino; B. Morana; G. Pandraud; A. Pontin; G. A. Prodi; P. M. Sarro; E. Serra; M. Bonaldi;
Physical Review B,
Volume 94, pp. 121403, 2016. - Thermal characterization of carbon nanotube foam using MEMS microhotplates and thermographic analysis
Cinzia Silvestri; Michele Riccio; Rene Poelma; Bruno Morana; Sten Vollebregt; Fabio Santagata; Andrea Irace; GuoQi Zhang; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
Volume 8, pp. 8266-8275, 2016.
document - Microfabrication of large-area circular high-stress silicon nitride membranes for optomechanical applications
E. Serra; M. Bawaj; A. Borrielli; G. Di Giuseppe; S. Forte; N. Kralj; N. Malossi; L. Marconi; F. Marin; F. Marino; B. Morana; R. Natali; G. Pandraud; A. Pontin; G. A. Prodi; M. Rossi; P. M. Sarro; D. Vita;
AIP Advances,
Volume 6, pp. 065004, 2016. - Dynamical two-mode squeezing of thermal fluctuations in a cavity opto-mechanical system
A. Pontin; M. Bonaldi; A. Borrielli; L. Marconi; F. Marino; G. Pandraud; G. A. Prodi; P.M. Sarro; E. Serra; F. Marin;
Physical Review Letters,
Volume 116, pp. 103601, 2016. - Stretchable Binary Fresnel Lens for Focus Tuning
Xueming Li; Lei Wei; Ren� H. Poelma; Sten Vollebregt; Jia Wei; Hendrik Paul Urbach; Pasqualina M. Sarro; GuoQi Zhang;
Scientific Reports,
Volume 6, pp. 25348, 2016. - The Tynode: A new vacuum electron multiplier
Harry van der Graaf; Hassan Akhtar; Neil Budko; Hong Wah Chan; Cornelis W. Hagen; Conny C.T. Hansson; Gert Nützel; Serge D. Pinto; Violeta Prodanović; Behrouz Raftari; Pasqualina M. Sarro; John Sinsheimer; John Smedley; Shuxia Tao; Anne M.M.G. Theulings; Kees Vuik;
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,
document - Mass sensitivity of aluminum nitride thin film based surface acoustic wave sensors prepared for biosensing application
Ying-ge Li; Lian-xiang Ma; P. M. Sarro; Dong-xing Du; Xue-feng Liu;
In Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications (SPAWDA),
pp. 368-370, 2016. - PEDOT:PDMS: a conductive and flexible polymer for sensor integration in Organ-on-Chip platforms
W.Quiros Solano; N.Gaio; C. Silvestri; G. Pandraud; P.M. Sarro;
In Procedia Engineering: Proceedings of the 30th anniversary Eurosensors Conference,
pp. 1184-1187, 2016. - A calorimetry-based measurement apparatus for switching losses in high power electronic devices
D. Iero; F.G. Della Corte; G. Fiorentino; P.M. Sarro;
In IEEE International Energy Conference,
pp. 1-5, 2016. - Characterization of Thermal Expansion Coefficient of LPCVD Polycrystalline SiC Thin Films Using Two Section V-beam Actuators
S. Thomas; A. Jovic; B. Morana; F. Buja; A. Gkouzou; G. Pandraud; P.M. Sarro;
In Procedia Engineering: Proceedings of the 30th anniversary Eurosensors Conference,
pp. 1144-1147, 2016.
document - High sensitive gas sensors realized by a transfer-free process of CVD graphene
Filiberto Ricciardella; Sten Vollebregt; Tiziana Polichetti; Brigida Alfano; Ettore Massera; Lina Sarro;
In Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors conference,
2016. - Effect of the interruption of the propagation path on the response of surface acoustic wave transducers
Thu Hang Bui; An Tran; Bruno Morana; Jia Wei; Trinh Chu Duc; P.M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors conference,
2016. - A predefined wafer-scale CVD graphene deposition method requiring no transfer
Sten Vollebregt; Lina Sarro;
In Graphene Week,
2016. - All-SiC surface micromachined nanoreactor for in-situ transmission electron microscopy
B. Morana; C. Silvestri; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. of the 29th IEEE International Conference of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems,
pp. 753-756, 2016. - Fabrication process of Si microlenses for OCT systems
A. Jovic; G. Pandraud; K. Zinoviev; J. L. Rubio; E. Margallo; P. M. Sarro;
In Proc. SPIE 9888, Micro-Optics,
document - A novel mixing surface acoustic wave device for liquid sensing applictions
Thu Hang Bui; B, Morana; T. Scholtes; T. Chu Duc; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. of the 29th IEEE International Conference of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems,
pp. 745-748, 2016. - A transfer-free wafer-scale CVD graphene fabrication process for MEMS/NEMS sensors
S. Vollebregt; B. Alfano; F. Ricciardella; A.J.M. Giesbers; Y. Grachova; H.W. van Zeijl; T. Polichetti; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. of the 29th IEEE International Conference of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems,
pp. 17-20, 2016. - SiNW-FET in-Air Biosensors for High Sensitive and Specific Detection in Breast Tumor Extract
Puppo, F.; Doucey, Marie-Agnes; Delaloye, Jean-Francois; Moh, T.S.Y.; Pandraud, G.; Sarro, P.M.; De Micheli, G.; Carrara, S.;
IEEE Sensors Journal,
2015. - Low loss single-crystal silicon mechanical resonators for the investigation of thermal noise statistical properties
E.Serra; M. Bonaldi; A.Borrielli; L.Conti; G. Pandraud; P. M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
Volume 227, pp. 48-54, 2015. - Impact of the atomic layer deposition precursors diffusion on solid-state carbon nanotube based supercapacitors performances
G Fiorentino; S Vollebregt; FD Tichelaar; R Ishihara; PM Sarro;
IOP Nanotechnology,
Volume 26, Issue 6, pp. 064002, 2015.
document - Fabrication and characterization of low loss MOMS resonators for cavity opto-mechanics
E. Serra; M. Bonaldi; A. Borrielli; F. Marin; L. Marconi; F. Marino; G. Pandraud; A. Pontine; G.A. Prodi; P.M. Sarro;
Microelectronic Engineering,
document - Ingredients for sensors science
Arnaldo D'Amicoa; Corrado Di Natalea; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,
Volume 207, pp. 1060-1068, 2015. - Structured film for compensation of anthropogenic radiative forcing
G. Vdovin; P.M. Sarro; O. Soloviev; M. Loktev; R. Angel;
Optics Letters,
2015. - A measurement apparatus for switching losses based on an heat-flux sensor
Iero, Demetrio; Della Corte, Francesco G.; Fiorentino, Giuseppe; Sarro, Pasqualina M.; Morana, B.;
In AISEM Annual Conference,
pp. 1-4, 2015. - Molybdenum grown CVD graphene Schottky diodes
S. Vollebregt; F. Ricciardella; Y. Grachova; T. Polichetti; P.M. Sarro;
In Graphene Week,
2015. - Tunable binary fresnel lens based on stretchable PDMS/CNT compsite
Xueming Li; L. Wei; S. Vollebregt; R. Poelma; Y. Shen; Jia Wei; P. Urbach; P.M. Sarro; GuoQi Zhang;
In Transducers,
pp. 2041-2044, 2015. - Silicon-PDMS optofluidic integration
Testa Genni; Gianluca Persichetti; Pasqualina M. Sarro; Romeo Bernini;
In Proc. SPIE 9367, Silicon Photonics X,
pp. 936718, 2015. - Crystallinity variations over the length of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes grown by chemical vapour deposition
S. Vollebregt; P. Padmanabhan; C. Silvestri; P.M. Sarro;
In 41st Micro and Nano Engineering conference,
2015. - The Role of Edge Defects in Liquid Phase Exfoliated and Chemical Vapor Deposited Graphene for NO2 Detection
F Ricciardella; S Vollebregt; T Polichetti; B Alfano; PM Sarro; ML Miglietta; E Massera; G Di Francia;
In GraphITA,
2015. - SAW device for liquid vaporization rate and remaining molecule sensing
Thu Hang Bui; Bruno Morana; An Tran; Tom Scholtes; Trinh Chu Duc; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
In IEEE Sensors Conference,
2015. - On-chip double slot antenna at 300 GHz enhanced by artificial dielectrics
Syed, W. H.; Fiorentino, G.; Cavallo, D.; Sarro, P. M.; Neto, A.;
In Eur. Conf. Antennas Propag.,
2015. - Performance enhancement of 300 GHz on-chip double slot antenna by means of artificial dielectrics
Syed, W. H.; Fiorentino, G.; Cavallo, D.; Sarro, P. M.; Neto, A.; Lager, I. E.;
In 45th European Microwave Conference,
2015. - Wafer-level fabrication of strain gauges on PDMS membranes for low-pressure sensing
William Quiros Solano; Gregory Pandraud; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
In IEEE Sensors Conference,
2015. - Optimization of Silicon-rich Silicon Nitride Films for Electron Multiplication in Timed Photon Counters
V. Prodanovic; Hong Wah Chan; J. Smedley; A. Theulings; S. Tao; H.v.d. Graaf; P.M. Sarro;
In Procedia Engineering 120: EUROSENSORS 2015,
pp. 1111-1114, 2015. - Fabrication and application of temperature triggered MEMS switch for active cooling control in solid state lighting system
Huaiyu Ye; Jai Wei; van Zeijl, HW; Sarro, PM; GuoQi Zhang;
Microelectronics Reliability,
Volume 54, Issue 6-7, pp. 1338-1343, 2014. - Multi-modal vibration based MEMS energy harvesters for ultra-low power wireless functional nodes
Iannacci, J; Serre, E; Di Criscienzo, R; Sordo, G; Gottardi, M; Borrielli, A; Bonaldi, M; Kuenzig, T; Schrag, G; Pandraud, G; Sarro, PM;
Microsystem Technologies: micro and nanosystems - information storage and processing systems,
Volume 20, Issue 4-5, pp. 627-640, 2014. - Stiction-Induced Sealing of Surface Micromachined Channels
B Morana; RH Poelma; G Fiorentino; J Wei; JF Creemer; PM Sarro;
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems,
Volume 23, Issue 2, pp. 459-470, 2014.
document - A hybrid silicon-PDMS optofluidic platform for sensing applications
Testa, G; Persichetti, G; Sarro, PM; Bernini, R;
Biomedical Optics Express,
Volume 5, Issue 2, pp. 417-426, 2014. - Design of silicon micro-resonators with low mechanical and optical losses for quantum optics experiments
Borrielli, A; Bonaldi, M; Serre, E; Bagolini, A; Bellutti, P; Cataliotti, FS; Marin, F; Marino, F; Pontin, A; Prodi, GA; Pandraud, G; Sarro, PM; Lorito,; Zoumpoulidis, T;
Microsystem Technologies,
Volume 20, Issue 4-5, pp. 907-917, 2014. - High Sensitive Detection in Tumor Extracts with SiNW-FET in-Air Biosensors
F. Puppo; M.-A. Doucey; J.-F. Delaloye; T.S.Y. Moh; G. Pandraud; P.M. Sarro; G. De Micheli; S. Carrara;
In IEEE Sensors,
pp. 866-869, 2014. - Associated IDTs in Surface Acoustic Wave Devices for Closed-loop Control Inkjet System
Thu Hang Bui; T. Bui Duc; T. Chu Duc; P.M. Sarro;
In IEEE Sensors,
pp. 1936-1939, 2014. - Numerical modeling of flexible actuator for dynamic lighting
Teng Ma; Xueming Li; Jia Wei; GuoQi Zhang; P. M. Sarro;
In 15th International Conference on thermal, mechanical and multi-physics simulation and experiments in microelectronics and microsystems,
2014. - Selective coating deposition on high Q single crystal silicon resonators for the investigation og thermal nois statistical properties
E. Serra; M. Bonaldi; A. Borrielli; L. Conti; G. Pandraud; P.M. Sarro;
In Procedia Engineering 87: EUROSENSORS 2014, the 28th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers,
pp. 1485-1488, 2014. - Developing High-Optical Quality Silicon Resonators Working in the Quantum Regime
E. Serra, M. Bonaldi, A. Borrielli, F. Marin, L. Marconi, F. Marino, G. Pandraud, A. Pontin, G.A. Prodi; P.M. Sarro;
In 40th Micro and Nano Engineering Conference,
2014. - Electro-thermal simulation and characterization of vertically aligned CNTs directly grown on a suspended microhoplate for thermal management applications
C. Silvestri; P. Piacciafoco; B. Morana; F. Santagata; GuoQi Zhang; P.M. Sarro;
In IEEE Sensors,
pp. 827-830, 2014.
document - Front-to-back ratio enhancement of on-chip antenna using artificial dielectrics at 300 GHz
Syed, WH; Fiorentino, G; Cavallo, D; Spirito, M; Neto, A; Sarro, PM;
In Proceedings - 2014 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium),
pp. 140, 2014. - Miniaturized particulate matter sensor for portable air quality monitoring devices
Xueming Li; E Iervolino; F Santagata; Jia Wei; Cadmus Yuan; PM Sarro; GuoQi Zhang;
In IEEE Sensors,
pp. 2151-2154, 2014. - High Quality Wafer-scale CVD Graphene on Molybdenum Thin Film for Sensing Application
Yelena Grachova; Sten Vollebregt; Andrea Leonardo Lacaita; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
In Procedia Engineering 87: EUROSENSORS 2014, the 28th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers,
pp. 1501-1504, 2014.
document - Artificial Dielectric Layer Based on PECVD Silicon Carbide for Terahertz Sensing Applications
G. Fiorentino; W. Syed; A. Adam; A. Neto; P.M. Sarro;
In Procedia Engineering 87: EUROSENSORS 2014, the 28th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers,
pp. 1497-1500, 2014. - Optofluidic hybrid platform with integrated solid core waveguides
Testa, G; Persichetti, G; Sarro, PM; Bernini, R;
In Proceedings of SPIE - Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials and Technologies XVIII Vol. 8988. Proceedings of SPIE- International Society for Optical Engineering,
pp. 1-6, 2014. - Enhancement of Front to Back Ratio of on Chip Antenna by Artificial Dielectrics at 300 GHz
Syed, WH; Fiorentino, G; Cavallo, D; Spirito, M; Neto, A; Sarro, PM;
In 39th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves,
2014. - 3D solid-state supercapacitors obtained by ALD coating of high-density carbon nanotubes bundles
Fiorentino, Giuseppe; Vollebregt, Sten; Tichelaar, FD; Ishihara, Ryoichi; Sarro, Pasqualina M;
In Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2014 IEEE 27th International Conference on,
IEEE, pp. 342--345, 2014. - CNT bundles growth on microhotplates for direct measurement of their thermal properties
C. Silvestri; B. Morana; G. Fiorentino; S. Vollebregt; G. Pandraud; F. Santagata; GuoQi Zhang; P.M. Sarro;
In 27th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2014),
San Francisco, USA, Jan. 2014.
document - MEMS-Based Multi-Modal Vibration Energy Harvesters for Ultra-Low Power Autonomous Remote and Distributed Sensing
Jacopo Iannacci; Enrico Serra; Guido Sordo; Michele Bonaldi; Antonio Borrielli; Ulrich Schmid; Achim Bittner; Michael Schneider; Thomas Kuenzig; Gabriele Schrag; Gregory Pandraud; Pasqualina Sarro;
In 14th Mechatronics Forum International Conference,
2014. - Characterization of low temperature deposited atomic layer deposition TiO2 for MEMS applications
Yujian Huang; Gregory Pandraud; Pasqualina M. Sarro;
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A,
Volume 31, Issue 1, pp. 01A148, 2013. - Resonance frequency of locally heated cantilever beams
E. Iervolino; M. Riccio; F. Santagata; J. Wei; A.W. van Herwaarden; A. Irace; G. Breglio; P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 190, pp. 6-12, Feb. 2013. DOI 10.1016/j.sna.2012.10.008. - Fully back-end TSV process by Cu electro-less plating for 3D smart sensor systems
F. Santagata; C. Farriciello; G. Fiorentino; H.W. van Zeijl; C. Silvestri; GuoQi Zhang; P.M. Sarro;
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,
2013. - A CMOS-compatible metamaterial to enhance the front to back radiation ratio in terahertz antenna for sensing application
Fiorentino, G; Syed, W; Santagata, F; Spirito, M; Pandraud, G; Neto, A; Sarro, PM; Adam, AJL;
In Sensors, 2013 IEEE,
IEEE, pp. 1--4, 2013. - Ald aluminum oxide as protective coating against oxidation of LPCVD SiC microhotplates
Morana, B; Fiorentino, G; Pandraud, G; Creemer, JF; Sarro, PM;
In Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2013 IEEE 26th International Conference on,
IEEE, pp. 484--487, 2013. - Heat flux sensor for power loss measurements of switching devices
Iero, Demetrio; Corte, Francesco G Della; Fiorentino, Giuseppe; Sarro, Pasqualina M; Morana, B;
In Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems (THERMINIC), 2013 19th International Workshop on,
IEEE, pp. 327--330, 2013. - Carbon Nanotube based heat-sink for solid state lighting
F. Santagata; G. Almanno; S. Vollebregt; C Silvestri; GuoQi Zhang; P.M. Sarro;
In 8th IEEE Int. Conf. Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS),
pp. 1214-1217, Apr 2013. DOI 10.1109/NEMS.2013.6559937. - Reflectance-based two-dimensional TiO2 photonic crystal liquid sensors
Yujian Huang; G. Pandraud; P.M. Sarro;
Optics Letters,
Volume 37, Issue 15, pp. 3162-3164, Aug. 2012. DOI 10.1364/OL.37.003162. - The atomic layer deposition array defined by etch-back technique: A new method to fabricate TiO2 nanopillars, nanotubes and nanochannel arrays
Yujian Huang; G. Pandraud; P.M. Sarro;
Volume 23, pp. 1-8, Nov. 2012. DOI 10.1088/0957-4484/23/48/485306. - Hybrid silicon-PDMS optofluidic ARROW waveguide
G. Testa; Yujian Huang; L. Zeni; P.M. Sarro;
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,
Volume 24, Issue 15, pp. 1307-1309, Aug. 2012. DOI 10.1109/LPT.2012.2202645. - 6 DOF force and torque sensor for micro-manipulation applications
P. Estevez; J.M. Bank; M. Porta; J. Wei; P.M. Sarro; M. Tichem; U. Staufer;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 186, pp. 86-93, Oct. 2012. DOI 10.1016/j.sna.2012.02.037. - Suspended submicron silicon-beam for high sensitivity piezoresistive force sensing cantilevers
J. Wei; S. Magnani; P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 186, pp. 80-85, Oct. 2012. DOI 10.1016/j.sna.2012.02.021. - A molybdenum MEMS microhotplate for high-temperature operation
L. Mele; F. Santagata; E. Iervolino; M. Mihailovic; T. Rossi; A.T. Tran; H. Schellevis; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A,
2012. DOI 10.1016/j.sna.2011.11.023. - A buried vertical filter for micro and nanoparticle filtration
S.J. Li; C. Shen; P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 186, pp. 203-209., Oct. 2012. DOI 10.1016/j.sna.2012.04.027. - Linear and rotational thermal micro-stepper motors
A. Khiat; J.W. Spronck; J. van Schieveen; S. Milosavljevic; J. Wei; P. Estevez; P.M. Sarro; U. Staufer;
Microelectronic Engineering,
Volume 98, pp. 497-501, Oct. 2012. DOI 10.1016/j.mee.2012.07.086. - Tube-shaped Pirani gauge for in situ hermeticity monitoring of SiN thin-film encapsulation
F. Santagata; J.F. Creemer; E. Iervolino; P.M. Sarro;
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,
Volume 22, Issue 10, Sep. 2012. DOI 10.1088/0960-1317/22/10/105025. - Sensing performance of plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition SiC-SiO2-SiC horizontal slot waveguides
G. Pandraud; E. Margallo-Balb�s; P.M. Sarro;
Journal of Nanophotonics,
Volume 6, pp. 1-7, Nov. 2012. DOI 10.1117/1.JNP.6.063530. - Microcantilevers encapsulated in fluid wells for sensing in liquids
W.J. Venstra; W.H. Wien; P.M. Sarro; J. van Eijk;
Microelectronic Engineering,
Volume 97, pp. 247-250, Sep. 2012. DOI 10.1016/j.mee.2012.03.030. - Mechanical design and characterization for MEMS thin-film packaging
F. Santagata; J.J.M. Zaal; V.G. Huerta; L. Mele; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems,
Volume 21, Issue 1, pp. 100-109, Feb. 2012. DOI 10.1109/JMEMS.2011.2170817. - Micromachined nanofiltration modules for lab-on-a-chip applications
C. Shen; V.R.S.S. Mokkapati; H.T.M. Pham; P.M. Sarro;
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,
Volume 22, Issue 2, pp. 1-10., Jan. 2012. DOI 10.1088/0960-1317/22/2/025003. - Micro-fabricated channel with ultra-thin yet ultra-strong windows enables electron microscopy under 4-bar pressure
T. Alan; T. Yokosawa; J. Gaspar; G. Pandraud; O. Paul; F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro; H.W. Zandbergen;
Applied Physics Letters,
Volume 100, pp. 1-4, 2012. DOI 10.1063/1.3688490. - High accuracy dual side overlay with wet anisotropic etching for HAR MEMS
H.W. van Zeijl; K. Best; P.M. Sarro;
In Technical Proceedings of the 2012 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo (NSTI-Nanotech 2012),
pp. 180-183, 2012. ISBN 978-1-4665-6275-2. - Stiction-driven sealing of surface micromachined channels
B. Morana; G. Pandraud; F. Santagata; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
In 25th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2012),
Paris, France, IEEE, pp. 329-332, Jan. 2012. ISBN 978-978-1-4673-0325-5; DOI 10.1109/MEMSYS.2012.6170202. - Ultra-flexible devices for 360 _m diameter guidewires
B. Mimoun; V. Henneken; P.M. Sarro; R. Dekker;
In 25th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2012),
Paris, France, IEEE, pp. 472-475, Jan. 2012. ISBN: 978-978-1-4673-0325-5, DOI 10.1109/MEMSYS.2012.6170227. - Silicon nanowire FET arrays for real time detection of chemical activation of cells
T.S.Y. Moh; S.K. Srivastava; S. Milosavljevic; M. Roelse; G. Pandraud; H.W. Zandbergen; L.C.P.M de Smet; C.J.M van Rijn; E.J.R. Sudh�lter; M.A. Jongsma; P.M. Sarro;
In 25th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2012),
Paris, France, IEEE, pp. 1344-1347, Jan. 2012. ISBN 978-978-1-4673-0325-5; DOI 10.1109/MEMSYS.2012.6170424. - A comparison between PECVD and ALD for the fabrication of slot-waveguide-based sensors
G. Pandraud; A. Purniawan; E. Margallo-Balb�s; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. SPIE: Nanophotonics IV,
Brussels, Belgium, Apr. 2012. DOI 10.1117/12.922400. - Analyzing protein denaturation using fast differential scanning calorimetry
R. Splinter; A.W. van Herwaarden; E. Iervolino; G. Vanden Poel; D. Istrate; P.M. Sarro;
In R. Walczak; J. Dziuban (Ed.), Proc. Eurosensors XXVI,
Krakow, Poland, Procedia Engineering, pp. 140-143, Sep 2012. DOI 10.1016/j.proeng.2012.09.104. - Enhancement of AlN slender piezoelectric cantilevers actuation by PECVD silicon nitride coating
A.T. Tran; G. Pandraud; H. Schellevis; P.M. Sarro;
In R. Walczak; J. Dziuban (Ed.), Proc. Eurosensors XXVI,
Krakow, Poland, Procedia Engineering, pp. 104-107, Sep 2012. DOI 10.1016/j.proeng.2012.09.095. - A novel approach for piezoresistivity characterization of silicon nanowires
M. Nie; F. Santagata; T. Moh; Q.-A. Huang; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. 11th IEEE Sensors Conference,
Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 1747-1750, Oct 2012. - Encapsulated aluminum nitride SAW devices for liquid sensing applications
A.T. Tran; G. Pandraud; T.S.Y. Moh; H. Schellevis; A. Akhnoukh; A. Purniawan; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc of the 11th IEEE Sensors Conf,
Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 604-607, Oct. 2012. - Silicon-polymer electro-thermal bimorph actuators with SiC bottom-layer for large out-of-plane motion and improved power efficiency
M. Aarts; J. Wei; P.M. Sarro;
In 7th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS 2012),
Kyoto, Japan, pp. 253-256, Mar. 2012. ISBN: 978-1-4673-1124-3; DOI 10.1109/NEMS.2012.6196768. - Multilayer conformal coating of highly dense Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes bundles
G. Fiorentino; S. Vollebregt; R. Ishihara; P.M. Sarro;
In 2012 12th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO),
Birmingham, UK, Aug. 2012. ISBN 978-1-4673-2198-3; DOI 10.1109/NANO.2012.6322054. - Optofluidics: waveguides and devices
G. Testa; Yujian Huang; L. Zeni; P.M. Sarro; R. Bernini;
In Proc. SPIE: Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XVI,
Feb 2012. DOI 10.1117/12.908683. - Single-mask fabrication of temperature triggered MEMS switch for cooling control in SSL system
J. Wei; H. Ye; H.W. van Zeijl; P.M Sarro; GuoQi Zhang;
In R. Walczak; J. Dziuban (Ed.), Proc. Eurosensors XXVI,
Krakow, Poland, Procedia Engineering, pp. 849-852, Sep 2012. DOI 10.1016/j.proeng.2012.09.280. - Fully back-end TSV process by Cu electro-less plating for 3D smart sensor systems
F. Santagata; G. Fiorentino; M. Nie; C. Farriciello; R. Poelma; GuoQi Zhang; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. 11th IEEE Sensors Conference,
Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 668-671, Oct 2012. - Monitoring of meniscus motion at nozzle orifice with capacitive sensor for inkjet applications
J. Wei; C. Yue; GuoQi Zhang; J.F. Dijksman; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. 11th IEEE Sensors Conference,
Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 2172-2175, Oct 2012. - Temperature calibration and electrical characterization of the differential scanning calorimeter chip UFS1 for the Mettler-Toledo Flash DSC 1
E. Iervolino; A.W. van Herwaarden; F.G. van Herwaarden; E. van de Kerkhof; P.P.W. van Grinsven; A.C.H.I. Leenaers; V.B.F. Mathot; P.M. Sarro;
Thermochimica Acta,
Volume 522, Issue 1-2, pp. 53-59, Aug. 2011. DOI 10.1016/j.tca.2011.01.023. - MEMS silicon-based micro-evaporator
M. Mihailovic; C.M. Rops; J. Hao; L. Mele; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,
Volume 21, Issue 7, pp. 1-9, 2011. DOI 10.1088/0960-1317/21/7/075007. - An analytical model and verification for MEMS Pirani gauges
F. Santagata; E. Iervolino; L. Mele; A.W. van Herwaarden; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,
Volume 21, Issue 11, pp. 1-7, 2011. DOI 10.1088/0960-1317/21/11/115007. - A surface micromachined thermopile detector array with an interference-based absorber
H. Wu; A. Emadi; P.M. Sarro; G. de Graaf; R.F. Wolffenbuttel;
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,
Volume 21, Issue 7, pp. 1-8, Jun. 2011. DOI 10.1088/0960-1317/21/7/074009. - Mixed motion in deterministic ratchets due to anisotropic permeability
T. Kulrattanarak; R.G.M. van der Sman; Y.S. Lubbersen; C.G.P.H. Schro�n; H.T.M. Pham; P.M. Sarro; R.M. Boom;
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,
Volume 354, Issue 1, pp. 7-14., Feb. 2011. DOI 10.1016/j.jcis.2010.10.02. - MEMS for thermogravimetry: Fully integrated device for inspection of nanomasses
E. Iervolino; A.W. van Herwaarden; W. van der Vlist; P.M. Sarro;
IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems,
Volume 20, Issue 6, pp. 1277-1286, Dec. 2011. DOI 10.1109/JMEMS.2011.2167672. - Enhancing the wettability of high aspect-ratio through-silicon vias lined with LPCVD silicon nitride or PE-ALD titanium nitride for void-free bottom-up copper electroplating
M. Saadaoui; H. van Zeijl; W.H.A. Wien; H.T.M. Pham; C. Kwakernaak; H.C.M. Knoops; W.M.M. Erwin Kessels; R.M.C.M. van de Sanden; F.C. Voogt; F. Roozeboom; P.M. Sarro;
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology,
Volume 1, Issue 11, pp. 1728-1738, 2011. DOI 10.1109/TCPMT.2011.2167969. - A tube-shaped buried Pirani gauge for low detection limit with small footprint
F. Santagata; J.F. Creemer; E. Iervolino; L. Mele; A.W. van Herwaarden; P.M. Sarro;
IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems,
Volume 20, Issue 3, pp. 676-684, Jun. 2011. DOI 10.1109/JMEMS.2011.2127457. - Low temperature encapsulation of nanochannels with water inside
C. Shen; V.R.S.S. Mokkapati; F. Santagata; A. Bossche; P.M. Sarro;
In 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference (TRANSDUCERS 2011),
Beijing, China, pp. 854-857, Jun. 2011. ISBN 978-1-4577-0157-3; DOI 10.1109/TRANSDUCERS.2011.5969464. - Sputtered molybdenum as conductive material for high-temperature microhotplates
L. Mele; F. Santagata; E. Iervolino; M. Mihailovic; T. Rossi; A.T. Tran; H. Schellevis; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
In 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference (TRANSDUCERS 2011),
Beijing, China, pp. 2690-2693, Jun. 2011. ISBN 978-1-4577-0157-3; DOI 10.1109/TRANSDUCERS.2011.5969500. - Layer-by-layer deposition of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals for integration of infrared photon-detectors on 3D topography
J. Wei; Y. Gao; A.J. Houtepen; G. Pandraud; P.M. Sarro;
In 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference (TRANSDUCERS 2011),
Beijing, China, pp. 1749-1752, Jun. 2011. ISBN 978-1-4577-0157-3; DOI 10.1109/TRANSDUCERS.2011.5969819. - MEMS silicon-based resistojet micro-thruster for attitude control of nano-satellites
M. Mihailovic; T.V. Mathew; J.F. Creemer; B.T.C. Zandbergen; P.M. Sarro;
In of 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference (TRANSDUCERS 2011),
Beijing, China, pp. 262-265, Jun. 2011. ISBN 978-1-4577-0157-3; DOI 10.1109/TRANSDUCERS.2011.5969432. - Self-cleaning mass calibration of a thermogravimetric device using a thin-film molybdenum
E. Iervolino; L. Mele; F. Santagata; A.W. van Herwaarden; W. van der Vlist; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
In 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference (TRANSDUCERS 2011),
Beijing, China, pp. 1038-1041, Jun. 2011. ISBN 978-1-4577-0157-3; DOI 10.1109/TRANSDUCERS.2011.5969167. - IC compatible top down process for silicon nanowire FET arrays with three 100 surfaces for (BIO) chemical sensing
T.S.Y. Moh; Y. Maruyama; C. Shen; G. Pandraud; L.C.P.M. de Smet; H.D. Tong; C. van Rijn; E.J.R. Sudholter; P.M. Sarro;
In 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference (TRANSDUCERS 2011),
Beijing, China, pp. 1590-1593, Jun. 2011. ISBN 978-1-4577-0157-3; DOI 10.1109/TRANSDUCERS.2011.5969796. - Process for low temperature deposition of strain gauge materials based on chromium nitride thin films
H.A. Mol; H. Schellevis; P.M. Sarro; Y. Hou;
In Proc. IEEE SENSORS 2011 Conference,
Limerick, Ireland, pp. 226-229, Oct. 2011. ISBN 978-1-4244-9288-6; DOI 10.1109/ICSENS.2011.6127044. - Developer etched single and arrays of three 100 planes silicon nanowires (SiNWs) FET
T.S.Y. Moh; Y. Maruyama; G. Pandraud; L.C.P.M. de Smet; C. van Rijn; E.J.R. Sudholter; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. ICT.OPEN: Micro technology and micro devices (SAFE 2011),
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, Nov. 2011. - Fabrication of AlN slender piezoelectric cantilevers for high-speed MEMS actuations
A.T. Tran; G. Pandraud; H. Schellevis; T. Alan; V. Aravindh; O. Wunnicke; P.M. Sarro;
In C. Tsamis; G. Kaltas (Ed.), Proc. Eurosensors XXV,
Athens, Greece, Procedia Engineering, pp. 673-676, Sep. 2011. DOI 10.1016/j.proeng.2011.12.166. - 6 DOF force and torque sensor for micro-manipulation applications
P. Estevez; J.M. Bank; M. Porta; J. Wei; P.M. Sarro; M. Tichem; U. Staufer;
In C. Tsamis; G. Kaltas (Ed.), Proc. Eurosensors XXV,
Athens, Greece, Procedia Engineering, pp. 39-42, Sep. 2011. DOI 10.1016/j.proeng.2011.12.010. - Electro-thermal analysis of MEMS microhotplates for the optimization of temperature uniformity
L. Mele; T. Rossi; M. Riccio; E. Iervolino; F. Santagata; A. Irace; G. Breglio; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
In C. Tsamis; G. Kaltas (Ed.), Proc. Eurosensors XXV,
Athens, Greece, Procedia Engineering, pp. 387-390, Sep. 2011. DOI 10.1016/j.proeng.2011.12.096. - Suspended submicron silicon-beam for high sensitivity piezoresistive sensing
J. Wei; S. Magnani; P.M. Sarro;
In C. Tsamis; G. Kaltas (Ed.), Proc. Eurosensors XXV,
Athens, Greece, Procedia Engineering, pp. 1437-1440, Sep. 2011. DOI 10.1016/j.proeng.2011.12.355. - A buried vertical filter for micro and nanoparticle filtration
S.J. Li; C. Shen; P.M. Sarro;
In C. Tsamis; G. Kaltas (Ed.), Proc. Eurosensors XXV,
Athens, Greece, Procedia Engineering, pp. 1193-1196, Sep. 2011. DOI 10.1016/j.proeng.2011.12.294. - A silicon-based MEMS resistojet for propelling cubesats
T.V. Mathew; B.T.C. Zandbergen; M. Mihailovic; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. 62nd International Astronautical Congress,
Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 1-8, Oct. 2011. - An all-in-one nanoreactor for high-resolution microscopy on nanomaterials at high pressures
J.F. Creemer; F. Santagata; B. Morana; L. Mele; T. Alan; E. Iervolino; G. Pandraud; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. 24th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2011),
Cancun, Mexico, IEEE, pp. 1103-1106, Jan. 2011. ISBN 978-1-4244-9633-4; DOI 10.1109/MEMSYS.2011.5734622. - In situ HRTEM of a catalyst using a nanoreactor at 1 bar
S.B. Vendelbo; J.F. Creemer; S. Helveg; B. Morana; L. Mele; A.M. Molenbroek; P.M. Sarro; H.W. Zandbergen; P.J. Kooyman;
In Netherlands Catalysis and Chemistry Conference (NCCC-XII),
Noordwijk, pp. 332, Feb. 2011. - Conventional micro-fabrication process for silicon nanowires FET with three 100 surfaces
T.S.Y. Moh; G. Pandraud; L.C.P.M. de Smet; C. van Rijn; E.J.R. Sudholter; P.M. Sarro;
In International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2011),
Suntec City, Singapore, Jun. 2011. - Biosensing
E.J.R. Sudholter; G.Z. Garyfallou; D. Ullien; L.C.P.M. Smet; S. Srivastava; M.A. Jongsma; M. Mescher; J.H. Klootwijk; T.S.Y. Moh; P.M. Sarro; C. Rijn;
In Book of Abstracts, 4th IRUN Symposium on NanoTechnology,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, pp. 32-33, Oct. 2011. - Linear and rotation thermal micro-stepper
A. Khiat; J. Spronck; J. van Schieveen; S. Milosavljevic; J. Wei; P. Estevez; P.M. Sarro; U. Staufer;
In 37th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE 2011,
Berlin, Germany, pp. 1, Sep. 2011.
document - A silicon carbide MEMS microhotplate for nanomaterial characterization in TEM
B. Morana; F. Santagata; L. Mele; M. Mihailovic; G. Pandraud; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
In 24th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2011),
Cancun, Mexico, IEEE, pp. 380-383, Jan. 2011. ISBN 978-1-4244-9633-4; DOI 10.1109/MEMSYS.2011.5734441. - Microcantilevers encapsulated in fluid wells for sensing in liquids
W.J. Venstra; W.H. Wien; P.M. Sarro; J. van Eijk;
In 37th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE 2011),
Berlin, Germany, pp. 1, Sep. 2011.
document - Reflectance-based TiO2 photonic crystal sensors
Yujian Huang; G. Pandraud; P.M. Sarro;
In 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference (TRANSDUCERS 2011),
Beijing, China, pp. 2682-2685, Jun. 2011. ISBN 978-1-4577-0157-3; DOI 10.1109/TRANSDUCERS.2011.5969771. - PECVD SiC photonic crystal sensor
G. Pandraud; Yujian Huang; P.M. Sarro; F. Bernal Arango;
In Proc. IEEE SENSORS 2011 Conference,
Limerick, Ireland, pp. 367-370, Oct. 2011. ISBN 978-1-4244-9288-6; DOI 10.1109/ICSENS.2011.6127130. - Co-design of wafer level thin film package assembly
J.J.M. Zaal; F. Santagata; W.D. van Driel; GuoQi Zhang; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
In 12th Internat. Conf. on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE 2011),
Linz, Austria, pp. 1-6, Apr. 2011. ISBN 978-1-4577-0106-1.
document - Reflectance-based photonic crystal liquid sensors made of ALD TiO2
Yujian Huang; G. Pandraud; P.M Sarro;
In C. Tsamis; G. Kaltas (Ed.), Proc. Eurosensors XXV,
Athens, Greece, Procedia Engineering, pp. 1389-1392, Sep. 2011. DOI 10.1016/j.proeng.2011.12.343. - Design, fabrication and characterization of a femto-farad capacitive sensor for pico-liter liquid monitoring
J. Wei; C. Yue; M. van der Velden; Z.L. Chen; Z.W. Liu; K.A.A. Makinwa; P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 162, Issue 2, pp. 406-417, 2010. - A silicon MEMS structure for characterization of femto-farad-level capacitive sensors with lock-in architecture
J. Wei; C. Yue; Z.L. Chen; Z.W. Liu; P.M. Sarro;
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,
Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010. - Wafer-level assembly and sealing of a MEMS nanoreactor for in situ microscopy
L. Mele; F. Santagata; G. Pandraud; B. Morana; F. D. Tichelaar; J. F. Creemer; P. M. Sarro;
J. Micromech. Microeng.,
Volume 20, 2010. - LPCVD amorphous SiCx for freestanding electron transparent windows
B. Morana; J.F. Creemer; F. Santagata; C.C. Fan; H.T.M. Pham; G. Pandraud; F.D. Tichelaar; P.M. Sarro;
In Y. Suzuki; Man Wong (Ed.), Proceedings of IEEE MEMS 2010 Conference,
Wanchai, Hong Kong, IEEE, pp. 572-575), 2010. - Design and Development of an Ultra Compact Silicon Phase-Change Heat Exchanger
Rops; C M; M. Mihailovic; P.M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference Microfluidics,
Toulouse, France, Dec. 2010. - MEMS Silicon-Based Micro-Evaporator with Diamond-Shaped Fins
M. Mihailovic; C. Rops; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of EUROSENSORS XXIV,
Linz, Austria, Sep. 2010. - Electrical characterization of TiSi/TiN layer stack in temperature range from 0 � 500 �C
M. Mihailovic; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of 13th Annual Workshop on Semiconductors Advances for Future Electronics and Sensors (SAFE),
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 114-117, 2010. - A piezoresistive sensor for pressure monitoring at inkjet nozzle
J. Wei; P.M. Sarro; T. Chu Duc;
In Proc. IEEE Sensors,
pp. 2093-2096, 2010. - A position and force-distribution sensor-array for monitoring the contact condition of objects in microhandling
J. Wei; M. M. Porta. Tichem; U. Staufer; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. the 23th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2010),
pp. 623-626, 2010. - Modulation speed improvement in a FabryPerot thermo-optical modulator through a driving signal optimization technique
F.G. della Corte; M. Merenda; G. Cocorullo; M. Iodice; I. Rendina; P.M. Sarro;
Optical engineering,
Volume 48, Issue 7, 2009. - Pattern transfer on a vertical cavity sidewall using SU8
T. Verhaar; J. Wei; P.M. Sarro;
Journal of micromechanics and microengineering,
Volume 19, 2009. - Photolithography on bulk micromachined substrates. Journal of micromechanics and microengineering
W.J. Venstra; J.W. Spronck; P.M. Sarro; J. van Eijk;
Journal of micromechanics and microengineering,
Volume 19, pp. 1-6, 2009. - A 2_2 Optofluidic Multimode Interference Coupler
R. Bernini; G. Testa; L. Zeni; P.M. Sarro;
IEEE journal of selected topics quantum electronics,
Volume 15, Issue 5, pp. 1478-1484, 2009. ISSN 1077-260X. - Alignment and Overlay Characterization for 3D Integration and Advanced Packaging
H.W. van Zeijl; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. of 11th Electronic packaging and Technology conference 2009 (EPTC 2009),
Singapore, IEEE, 2009. ISBN 978-1-4244-5100-5. - Paalvast, SL, Sarro, PM & Munnig Schmidt, RH
S.L. Paalvast; P.M. Sarro; R.H. Munnig Schmidt;
In Proceedings of the EuroSimE 2009,
Montigny le Bretonneux, pp. 318-321, 2009. - Fast response thermal linear motor with reduced power consumption
S.L. Paalvast; H.T.M. Pham; P.M. Sarro; R.H. Munnig Schmidt;
In Proceedings of the Eurosensors XXIII Conference, august 2009,
Lausanne, pp. 690-693, 2009. - Electro less deposition and structuring of silver electrodes inside closed micro fluidic channels
F.C.A. Heuck; P.M. Sarro; J.H.C.M. Slabbekoorn; T. Akiyama; U. Staufer;
In Proceedings of the Euspen 9th International Conference,
Bedford: Euspen, pp. 158-161, 2009. - Characterization of ultrathin membranes to enable TEM observation of gas reaction at high pressures
Alan; T; Gaspar; J; Paul; O; H.W. Zandbergen; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition,
Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), pp. 1-5, 2009. - Wafer Level Encapsulation Techniques for a MEMS Microreactor with integrated Heat Exchanger
F. Santagata; L. Mele; M. Mihailovic; B. Morana; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of IEEE Sensors 2009 Conference,
Christchurch, New Zealand, pp. 799-802, 2009.
document - Thermal analysis of peptides with a calorimeterchip
E. Iervolino; I.M.O. Finoulst; A.W. van Herwaarden; W.H.A. Wien; P.D.E. Verhaert; P.M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of 15th international conference on solid-state sensors, actuators & microsystems,
document - Silicon-based MEMS micro-evaporator
J. Hao; M. Mihailovic; C.M. Rops; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of 20th Micromechanics Europe Workshop (MME),
Toulouse, France, pp. 1-4, 2009.
document - Sheet resistance of As-doped monocrystalline silicon in temperature range up to 1100 K
M. Mihailovic; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of 12th Annual Workshop on Semiconductors Advances for Future Electronics and Sensors (SAFE),
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 36-39, 2009.
document - Mems nanoreactor for atomic-resolution microscopy of nanomaterials in their working state
J.F. Creemer; S. Helveg; G.H. Hoveling; S. Ullman; P.J. Kooyman; A.M. Molenbroek; H.W. Zandbergen; P.M. Sarro;
In Proceedings 22nd IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems 2009,
Sorrento, IEEE, pp. 76-79, 2009.
document - Low-temperature wafer-level packaging of a MEMS microreactor with a lateral feedthrough by local PECVD TEOS deposition
L. Mele; B. Morana; C.R. de Boer; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
In Proceeding title: Proceedings of the Eurosensors XXIII Conference,
Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 1531-1534, 2009.
document - Deterministic Ratchets for Particle Separation Fabricated With Si MEMS Technology
H.T.M. Pham; T. Kulrattanarak; R.G.M. van der Sman; C. Schroen; R.M. Boom; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. of the Eurosensors XXIII conference,
Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 345-348, 2009.
document - Characterization of AlN thin films sputtered on Al/Ti electrodes for piezoelectric devices
A.T. Tran; H. Schellevis; C. Shen; H.T.M. Pham; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. of SAFE 2009,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, STW, pp. 121-124, 2009.
document - Sensing Microgripper with PID Control
P. Phan Huu; V.Q. Nguyen; T. Chu Duc; P.M. Sarro;
In Ngo Nguyen; N.K. Cheung (Ed.), Proc. of 2008 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications,
Hanoi, Vietnam, pp. 319-322), 2009. - Thermal characterization of microliter amounts of liquids by a micromachined calorimetric transducer
S.L. Paalvast; P.M. Sarro; R.H. Munnig Schmidt;
In Proc. IEEE MEMS 2009,
Sorrento, Italy: IEEE, pp. 535-538, 2009. - Vertical Contact Position Detection and Grasping Force Monitoring for Micro-Gripper Applications
M. Porta; J. Wei; M. Tichem; P.M. Sarro; U. Staufer;
In Proc. IEEE Sensors 2009 Conference,
Christchurch, New Zealand, pp. 967-970, 2009. - Characterization of Femto-Farad-Level Capacitive MEMS Sensors using Lock-in Architecture
C. Yue; J. Wei; Z.L. Chen; Z.W. Liu; P.M. Sarro;
In P. Pons (Ed.), Proceedings of 20th Micromechanics Europe Workshop (MME),
Toulouse, France, LAAS-CNRS, pp. 1-4, 2009. - Oxidized ALD-deposited titanium nitride films as a low-temperature alternative for enhancing the wettability of through-silicon vias
M. Saadaoui; H.W. van Zeijl; H.T.M. Pham; H.C. Knoops; W.M.M. Kessels; M.C.M. van de Sanden; F. Roozeboom; Y. Lamy; K.B. Jinesh; W. Besling; P.M. Sarro;
In MRS Proceedings Volume 1112, Materials and Technologies for 3-D Integration,
Warrendale, PA, pp. 1-8, 2009. - Implementation and Characterization of a femto-Farad Capacitive Sensor for pico-Liter Liquid Monitoring.
J. Wei; C. Yue; Z.L. Chen; Z.W. Liu; K.A.A. Makinwa; P.M. Sarro;
In J. Brugger; D. Briand (Ed.), Eurosensors XXIII,
Lausanne, Switzerland, Elsevier, pp. 120-123), 2009.
document - Through Silicon Interconnect Using grayscale Lithography for MEMS Applications.
H.W. van Zeijl; D. Liu; P.M. Sarro;
In J. Brugger; D. Briand (Ed.), Eurosensors XXIII,
Lausanne, Switzerland, Elsevier, pp. 1543-1546, 2009.
document - A Multifunctional Vertical Microsieve for Micro and Nano Particles Separation
C. Shen; T.M.H. Pham; P.M. Sarro;
In Micro Electro Mechanical Systems,
Sorrento, Italy, pp. 383-386, 2009. - A contact position detection and interaction force monitoring sensor for micro-assembly applications.
J. Wei; M. Porta; M. Tichem; P.M. Sarro;
In K Najafi & M Schmidt (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Solid State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2009),
Denver, USA, IEEE, pp. 2385-2388), 2009. ISBN 978-1-4244-4193-8. - Alignment insensitive anisotropic etching of silicon cavities with smooth 49� sidewalls
C. Shen; H.T.M. Pham; P.M. Sarro;
In he 15th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Transducers 2009,
pp. 1071-1074, 2009.
document - Aluminum thermal motor for high bandwidth positioning stages
S.L. Paalvast; H.T.M. Pham; P.M. Sarro; R.H. Munnig Schmidt;
In 9th international conference of the european society for precision engineering and nanotechnology,
San Sebastian, SP, pp. 54-58, 2009. - Optical and surface properties of ALD TiO2 thin films and laminate layers for sensing applications
Yujian Huang; P.M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of 12th Annual Workshop on Semiconductors Advances for Future Electronics and Sensors (SAFE),
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 24-27, 2009.
document - Dynamic Model for Design Optimization of a high Bandwidth Thermal Linear Motor.
S.L. Paalvast; P.M. Sarro; R.H. Munnig Schmidt;
In L.J. Ernst; GuoQi Zhang (Ed.), Proceedings of the EuroSimE 2009,
Montigny le Bretonneux, IEEE, pp. 318-321, 2009. ISBN 978-1-4244-4159-4. - Continuous deep reactive ion etching of tapered via holes for three-dimensional integration
R. Li; .Y Lamy; W.F.A. Besling; F. Roozeboom; P.M. Sarro;
J. Micromech. Microeng.,
Volume 18, 2008. - Thin-film encapsulation of a silicon field emission electron source
F. Santagata; C.K. Yang; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings Eurosensors XXII,
Dresden, Germany: Eurosensors XXII, pp. 625-628, 2008.
document - Monocrystalline silicon microhotplate heater
M. Mihailovic; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of EUROSENSORS XXII,
Dresden, Germany, pp. 1611-1614, Sep. 2008. - Electrical behaviour of mono-Si based microhotplate heater
M. Mihailovic; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of 11th Annual Workshop on Semiconductors Advances for Future Electronics and Sensors (SAFE),
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 411-414, 2008. - Analysis and characterization of an electrothermal silicon-polymer
J. Wei; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. the 2008 annual workshop on semiconductor advances for future electronics and sensors (SAFE 2008),
pp. 436-439, 2008. - Temperature Calibration of Fast Scan Calorimeter Chips.
E. Iervolino; A.W. van Herwaarden; P.M. Sarro;
In Proceedings Eurosensors XXII,
Dresden, Germany, Sep. 2008. - A novel semi SOI fabrication process for integrated 3D micromachining
J. Wei; T. Chu Duc; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. IEEE NEMS 2008,
pp. 717-720, 2008. - Design and characterization of a novel icp plasma tool for high speed and high accuracy drie processing
N. Launay; H. W. van Zeijl; P. M. Sarro;
In Proc. IEEE MEMS 2008,
Tucson, Arizona, USA, pp. 311-314, Jan. 2008. - Electrothermal microgripper with large jaws displacement and integrated force sensors
T.Chu Duc; G.K.lau; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. IEEE MEMS 2008,
Tucson, Arizona, USA, pp. 519-522, Jan. 2008. - An electro-thermal silicon-polymer micro-gripper for simultaneous in-plane and out-of-plane motions
J. Wei; T. Chu Duc; P.M. Sarro;
pp. 1466-1469, 2008. - 3D Microstructuring of silicon and SU8 polymer for microsystems applications
P.M. Sarro; J. Wei; T. Chu Duc;
In Proc. 19th Micromechanics Europe (MME 2008),
pp. 237-241, 2008. - Highly uniform coating of vertical sidewall for 3D pattern definition
T. Verhaar; J. Wei; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. 19th Micromechanics Europe (MME 2008),
pp. 141-145, 2008. - Novel electrothermal bimorph actuator for large out-of-plane displacement and force
J.Wei; T.Chu Duc; G.K.Lau; P.M. Sarro;
In IEEE MEMS 2008,
Tucson, Arizona, USA, pp. 46-49, Jan. 2008. - A dual-side fabrication method for silicon plate springs with high out-of plane stiffness
S.L.Paalvast; H.W. van Zeijl; J.Su; P.M. Sarro; J. van Eijk;
J. Micromech. and Microeng.,
Volume 17, Issue 7, pp. 197-203, 2007. - An in-plane thermal unimorph using confined polymers
G.K.Lau; T.Chu Duc; J.F.L Goosen; F. van Keulen; P.M. Sarro;
J. Micromech. and Microeng.,
Volume 17, Issue 7, pp. 174-183, 2007. - Piezoresistive cantilever beam for force sensing in two dimensions
T.Chu Duc; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
IEEE Sensors,
Volume 7, pp. 96-104, 2007. - 2-D MMI devices based on integrated hollow ARROW waveguides
R.Bernini; E.De Nuccio; F.Brescia; A.Minardo; L.Zeni; P.M. Sarro;
IEEE J.of Selected Topics Quantum Electronics,
Volume 13, Issue 2, pp. 194-201, 2007. - Powerful polymeric thermal micro-actuator with embedded silicon microstructure
G.K. Lau; .F.L Goosen; F. van Keulen; T. Chu Duc; P.M. Sarro;
Applied Physics Letters,
Volume 90, Issue 21, 2007. - Polymer constraint effect for electro-thermal bimorph microactuators
T. Chu Duc; G.K. Lau; P.M. Sarro;
Appl. Phys. Lett.,
Volume 91, 2007. - Fabrication of in situ ultrathin anodic aluminum oxide layers for nanostructuring on silicon substrate
B. Yan; H.T.M. Pham; Y. Ma; Y. Zhuang; P.M. Sarro;
Appl. Phys. Lett.,
Volume 91, pp. 101902.1-3, 2007. - In-situ isotropic and anisotropic DRIE sequence for massive parallel multistage Brownian ratchets
H.T.M.Hoa; C.d.Boer; J.Wei; P.M. Sarro;
In G. Delapierre; R. Puers (Ed.), Proc. Transducers 2007 Conference,
Lyon, France, IEEE, pp. 497-500, Jun. 2007. - Fabrication and characterization of high aspect ratio silicon plate springs with high out-of plane stiffness
H.W. van Zeijl; S.L. Paalvast; J. Su; J. van Eijk; P.M. Sarro;
In G. Delapierre; R. Puers (Ed.), Proc. Transducers 2007 Conference,
Lyon, France, IEEE, pp. 1605-1608, Jun. 2007. - Power efficient V-shape electro-thermal actuator using constrained SU8
G.K.Lau; T.Chu Duc; J.F.L Goosen; P.M. Sarro; F. van Keulen;
In G. Delapierre; R. Puers (Ed.), Proc. Transducers 2007 Conference,
Lyon, France, IEEE, pp. 287-290, Jun. 2007. - Fabrication of vertical electrodes on channel sidewall for picoliter liquid measurements
Jia Wei; M. van der Velden; P.M. Sarro;
In G. Delapierre; R. Puers (Ed.), Proc. Transducers 2007 Conference,
Lyon, France, IEEE, pp. 1613-1616, Jun. 2007. - Characterization of a Nozzle-Integrated Capacitive Sensor for Microfluidic Jet Systems
M. van der Velden; J.W. Spronck; R.H. Munnig Schmidt; J. Wei; P.M. Sarro;
In B.Mizaikoff; P.J. French (Ed.), Proc. IEEE Sensors 2007 Conf,
Atlanta, Georgia, USA, IEEE, pp. 1241-1244, Oct. 2007. - Integrated Silicon-polymer laterally stacked bender for sensing microgrippers
T. Chu Duc; G.K.Lau; J.F.L Goosen; F. van Keulen; P.M. Sarro;
In S.Lee; M. Esashi (Ed.), Proc. IEEE Sensors 2006 Conf,
Daegu, Korea, IEEE, pp. 662-665, Oct. 2007. - Local Sealing of High Aspect Ratio Vias for Single Step Bottom-up Copper Electroplating of Through Wafer Interconnects
M. Saadaoui; W. Wien; H. V. Zeijl; H. Schellevis; M. Laros; P. M. Sarro;
In B.Mizaikoff; P.J. French (Ed.), Proc. IEEE Sensors 2007 Conf,
Atlanta, Georgia, USA, IEEE, pp. 974-977, Oct. 2007. - Nano-hole arrays in thin Au/Pd film on glass for high speed molecular analysis
O. Piciu; M van der .Krogt; M.Docter; P.M. Sarro; A.Bossche;
In S.Lee; M. Esashi (Ed.), Proc. IEEE Sensors 2006 Conf,
Daegu, Korea, IEEE, pp. 608-611, Oct. 2007. - Electro-thermally actuated polymeric stack for linear in-plane actuation
G.K. Lau; T .Chu Duc; J.F.L Goosen; F. van Keulen; P.M. Sarro;
In S.Lee; M. Esashi (Ed.), Proc. IEEE Sensors 2006 Conf,
Daegu, Korea, IEEE, pp. 538-541, Oct. 2007. - 2D electro-thermal microgripper with large clamping and rotation motion at low driving voltage
T.Chu Duc; J.Wei; G.K.Lau; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. 20th IEEE International Conference on MicroElectroMechganical Systems (IEEE MEMS 2007),
Kobe, Japan, pp. 687-690, Jan. 2007. - Simulation and measurement of a comb-structure silicon-polymer thermally actuated microgripper
F. Krecinic; T.Chu Duc; G.K. Lau; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. 18th MicroMechanics Europe (MME 2006),
Guimares, Portugal, Univ. Minho, pp. 215-218, Sept.16-18 2007. - Integrated Silicon-polymer laterally stacked actuators for out-of-plane bending motion
J.Wei; T.Chu Duc; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. 18th MicroMechanics Europe (MME 2006),
Guimares, Portugal, Univ. Minho, pp. 187-190, Sept.16-18 2007. - Straight sidewall controlling of high viscosity SU-8 photoresist patterning using UV lithography
C. Olivadoti; H.T.M. Pham; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. 18th MicroMechanics Europe (MME 2006),
Guimares, Portugal, Univ. Minho, Sept. 2007. - Oxide to oxide wafer bonding for three dimensional (3D) IC integration technologies
M. Cannavo; H.W. van Zeijl; G. Pandraud; J. V. Driel; T. Alan; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc SAFE & Prorisc 2004,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, STW, pp. 509-512, Nov. 2007. - Tuning of DRIE process for Capacitive Sensor in Inkjet Nozzle
J.Wei; T. Chu Duc; M. van der Velden; P. M. Sarro;
In Proc SAFE & Prorisc 2004,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, STW, pp. 625-628, Nov. 2007. - Roughness treatment of silicon surface after Deep Reactive Ion Etching
H.T.M. Pham; Charles R. de Boer; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc SAFE & Prorisc 2004,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 535-538, Nov. 2007. - A comparative study of the strength of Si, SiN and SiC used at nanoscales
T. Alan; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc SAFE & Prorisc 2004,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, STW, pp. 395-398, Nov. 2007. - Improvement of wettability of silicon nitride in PECVD environment for copper electrodeposition in HAR vias
M. Saadaoui; W. Wien; H. van Zeijl; A. van den Bogaard; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc SAFE & Prorisc 2004,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, STW, pp. 543-546, Nov. 2007. - Integrated silicon optical sensors based on hollow core waveguide
R. Bernini; E. De Nuccio; A. Minardo; L. Zeni; P.M. Sarro;
In A. Kubby; G.T. Reed (Ed.), Photonics West, Proc. SPIE: Silicon Photonics II,
San Jose, California, USA, SPIE, Jan. 2007. - Monocrystalline Si-based microhotplate heater
M. Mihailovic; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. SAFE/STW,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 608-611, Nov. 2007. - Lateral nanoNewton force sensing piezocantilevers for microparticle handling
T. Chu Duc; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
J. Micromech and Microeng.,
Volume 16, Issue 6, pp. 102-106, 2006. - Silicon Micromachining of High Aspect Ratio, High-Density Through-Wafer Electrical Interconnects for 3-D Multichip Packaging
Zheyao Wang; Lianwei Wang; N. T. Nguyen; Wim A. H. Wien; Hugo Schellevis; Pasqualina M. Sarro; Joachim N. Burghartz;
IEEE Tr. Advanced Packaging,
Volume 29, Issue 3, Aug. 2006. - In-package MEMS-based thermal actuators for micro-assembly
V.A. Henneken; M. Tichem; P.M. Sarro;
J. Micromech. Microeng.,
Volume 16, pp. S107-S115, 2006. - Development and characterization of an integrated silicon micro flow cytometer
R.Bernini; E.De Nuccio; F.Brescia; A.Minardo; L.Zeni; P.M. Sarro; R.Palumbo; M.R.Scarfi;
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry,
Volume 386, pp. 1267-1272, 2006. - Piezoresistive cantilever for nano-Newton sensing in two dimensions
T. Chu Duc; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. 19th IEEE International Conference on MicroElectroMechganical Systems (IEEE MEMS 2006),
Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 586-589, 2006.
document - Advanced silicon micromachining for 3D micro and nanostructuring
P.M. Sarro; J.Wei;
In Proc. IWOFM-IWONN Conference,
Halong, Vietnam, Dec. 2006.
document - Versatile wire configuration for independent actuation of bending and torsion displacements of microcantilevers
W.J. Venstra; M. van der Velden; J.W. Spronck; J. van Eijk; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. IEEE Sensors 2005,
Irvine, California, USA, pp. 584-587, Oct. 2006.
document - MEMS Hotplates with TiN as a Heater Material
J.F. Creemer; D. Briand; W. van der Vlist; C. de Boer; H.W. Zandbergen; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. IEEE Sensors 2005,
Irvine, California, USA, pp. 330-333, Oct. 2006. - ATTO-Liter Periodical Cavities for Optical BIO-Molecular Detection
O. Piciu; M. van der Krogt; M. Docter; P.M. Sarro; A. Bossche;
In Proc. IEEE Sensors 2005,
Irvine, California, USA, pp. 452-456, Oct. 2006. - Improved thermal U-beam actuators for micro-assembly
V. Henneken; M. Tichem; P.M. Sarro;
In P.Enoksson (Ed.), Proc. Eurosensors XX,
Goteborg, Sweden, Sept. 2006.
document - Silicon bulk micromachining: from sub-mm to nm 3D structuring
P.M. Sarro;
In P.Enoksson (Ed.), Proc. Eurosensors XX,
Goteborg, Sweden, Sept. 2006.
document - A novel dual-side fabrication method for silicon plate springs with high out-of plane stiffness
H.W. van Zeijl; J. Su; S.L. Paalvast; P.M. Sarro; J. van Eijk;
In H. Morgan (Ed.), Proc. 17th MicroMechanics Europe (MME 2006),
Southampton, UK, pp. 209-212, Sept. 2006.
document - In-plane thermal unimorph using confined polymers
G.K.Lau; T.Chu Duc; J.F.L Goosen; F. van Keulen; P.M. Sarro;
In H. Morgan (Ed.), Proc. 17th MicroMechanics Europe (MME 2006),
Southampton, UK, pp. 117-120, Sept. 2006. - Study on 2-lever DRIE for 3D MEMS structures
J.Wei; T.ChuDuc; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc SAFE & Prorisc 2004,
Veldhoven, pp. 494-497, Nov. 2006.
document - Copper electroplating for 3D interconnects
M.Saadaoui; W.Wien; H.van Zeijl; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc SAFE & Prorisc 2004,
Veldhoven, pp. 523-526, Nov. 2006.
document - Silicon-polymer laterally stacked bimorph micro-gripper
T. Chu Duc; G.K. Lau; J. Wei; P.M. Sarro;
In H. Morgan (Ed.), Proc. 17th MicroMechanics Europe (MME 2006),
Southampton, UK, pp. 197-200, Sept. 2006. - Fabrication of porous anodic aluminum oxide templates and pattern transfer
B.Yan; V.Vespini; H.T.M.Pham; H.Schellevis; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc SAFE & Prorisc 2004,
Veldhoven, pp. 498-501, Nov. 2006.
document - A novel dual-side fabrication method for silicon plate springs with high out-of plane stiffness
J.Su; H.W.van Zeijl; S.L.Paalvast; P.M. Sarro; J.van Eijk;
In Proc SAFE & Prorisc 2004,
Veldhoven, pp. 394-397, Nov. 2006.
document - Integrated Silicon-Polymer Laterally Stacked Bender for Sensing Microgrippers
T. Chu Duc; J. Wei; P. M. Sarro; G. K. Lau;
Daegu, Korea, Oct. 2006.
document - Electrostatically squeezed elastometers for out-of-plane microactuation
G.K.Lau; J.F.L Goosen; F. van Keulen; P.French; P.M. Sarro;
In APCOT 2006,
Singapore, Jun. 2006.
document - Particle filters integrated inside a silicon wafer
W.Venstra; N.P. Pham; P.M. Sarro; J. van Eijk;
Microlelectronic Engineering,
Volume 78-79, 2005. - Evaluation of an empirical mdel to estimate and optimize mechanical properties of PECVD SiC films
H.T.M.Hoa; Boer; P.M. Sarro;
Journal of the Electrochemical Society,
Volume 152, Issue 11, 2005. - Spray coating of photoresist for pattern transfer on high topography surfaces
N P Pham; J.N.Burghartz; P.M. Sarro;
J. Micromech. Microeng.,
Volume 15, pp. 691-697, 2005. - Plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition of TiN films at low deposition temperature for high-aspect ratio applications, Materials
S.B.S. Heil; E. Langereis; F. Roozeboom; A. Kemmeren; N.P. Pham; P.M. Sarro; M.C.M. van de Sanden; W.M.M. Kessels;
In Technology and Reliability of Advanced Interconnects 2005,
pp. B6.4.1-B6.4.6, 2005.
document - Lateral nanoNewton force sensing piezocantilevers for microparticle handling
C.D.Trinh; J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. MME,
document - In-package MEMS-based thermal actuators for micro-assembly
V. Henneken; M. Tichem; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. MME,
2005. - Non-Catalyst and Low Temperature Growth of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes for Nanosensor Arrays
H.T.M. Hoa; C. de Boer; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. Transducers 2005,
pp. 97-100, 2005.
document - Highly Controllable Electrochemical Deep Etching Process On Silicon
Y.Chen; L.Wang; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. IEEE MEMS 2005 Conf,
document - Porous silicon layeras a conformal insulator layer for high aspect ratio through wafer interconnects
N.P. Pham; G.P. Salvador; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. Eurosensors XIX,
2005. - Integrated antiresonant hollow core waveguids as platforms for microoptical microfluidic TAS applications
R. Bernini; E. De Nuccio; F. Mottola; A. Minardo; P.M. Sarro; L. Zeni;
In Proc. Eurosensors XIX,
2005. - The fabrication of optical hole-arrays for use in the atto-liter plate device for single molecule detection
O.M. Piciu; M.C. van der krogt; M. Docter; P.M. Sarro; A.Bossche;
In Proc. Eurosensors XIX,
2005. - Influence of anodization parameters on the pore size and shape of anodic aluminum oxide nanotemplates
S.H. Le; A. Camerlingo; H.T.M. Pham; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. Eurosensors XIX,
document - Filter-protected photodiodes for high-throughput enzymatic analysis
V.P. Iordanov; J.Bastermeijer; R.Ishihara; P.M. Sarro; A.Bossche; M.Vellekoop;
IEEE Sensors Journal,
Volume 4, Issue 5, pp. 584-588, Oct. 2004. - Integrated Coulter counter based on 2-dimensional liquid aperture control
J.H. Nieuwenhuis; F. Kohl; J. Bastemeijer; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,
2004. - Metal patterning on high topography surface for 3D RF devices fabrication
N.P. Pham; E. Boellaard; W. Wien; L.D.M. van den Brekel; J.N. Burghartz; P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 115, pp. 557-562, Mar. 2004. - Microfluidic sensor based on integrated optical hollow waveguides
S.Campopiano; R.Bernini; L.Zeni; P.M. Sarro;
Optics letters,
Volume 29, Issue 16, pp. 1894-1896, Aug. 2004. - Integrated Coulter counter based on 2-dimensional liquid aperture control
J. H. Nieuwenhuis; F. Kohl; J. Bastemeijer; P. M. Sarro; M. J. Vellekoop;
Sensors and Actuators B,
Volume 102, Issue 1, pp. 44-50, 2004. - Arrow optical waveguides based sensors
R.Bernini; S.Campopiano; L.Zeni; P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators B,
Volume 100, Issue 1-2, pp. 143-146, 2004. - Photoresist Coating Methods for the Integration of Novel 3-D RF Microstructures
N.P. Pham; E. Boellaard; J.N. Burghartz; P.M. Sarro;
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems,
Volume 13, Issue 3, pp. 491-499, Jun. 2004. ISSN 1057-7157. - Polymer interconnections for 3D-chip stacking technology: directional volume patterning of flexible substrates with conducting polymer wires
C.Videlot; J. Ackermann; F.Fages; T.N.Nguyen; L.Wang; P.M. Sarro; D.Crawley; K.Nikolic; M.Forshaw;
J. Micromech. Microeng.,
Volume 14, pp. 1618-1624, 2004. - High-speed wavefront sensor compatible with standard CMOS technology
D. W. de Lima Monteiro; G. Vdovin; P. M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 109, Issue 3, pp. 220-230, Jan. 2004. - Gel-layer- assisted, directional electropolymerization: a versatile method for high resolution volume and/or surface patterning of flexible substrates with conjugated polymers
J. Ackermann; C.Videlot; T.N.Nguyen; L.Wang; P.M. Sarro;
Advanced Materials,
Volume 16, Issue 19, 2004. - M3: the third dimension of silicon, Advanced Micro and Nanosystems
P.M. Sarro;
In Enabling Technologies for MEMS and Nanodevices,
Wiley, 2004. - Particle discrimination with an improved projection cytometer
J.H. Nieuwenhuis; P. Svasek; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
In Proceed. MicroTAS 2004,
Malmo, Sweden, pp. 419-421, Sep. 2004. - Nanostructure formation on anodic aluminum oxide nanotemplates
H. T.M. Pham; C.R. de Boer; P. M. Sarro;
In The Second International Workshop on Nanophysics and Nanotechnology,
Hanoi, Vietnam, pp. 91-98, Oct. 2004. - Integrated antiresonant hollow waveguide liquid sensor
S. Campopiano; R.Bernini; L.Zeni; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. Eurosensors XVIII,
Rome, pp. 765-766, Sept. 2004. ISBN: 88-7621-282-5. - TiN for MEMS hotplate heaters
J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro; M. Laros; H. Schellevis; L. Steenweg; H.W. Zandbergen;
In Proc. Eurosensors XVIII,
Rome, pp. 706-707, Sept. 2004. ISBN 88-7621-282-5. - Particle size discrimination with a liquid aperture coulter counter
J. Nieuwenhuizen; P. Svasek; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
In Proc. Eurosensors XVIII,
Rome, pp. 317-320, Sept. 2004. ISBN: 88-7621- 282-5. - Integrated Sensors Arrays For Bioluminescence And Fluorescence Bio-Chemical Analysis
V.Iordanov; B. Iliev; A.Bossche; J. Bastemeijer; P.M. Sarro; I.T.Young; G. van Dedem; M.Vellekoop;
In Proc. IEEE Sensors 2004 Conf.,
2004. - High-aspect-ratio bulk micromachined vias contacts
N.P. Pham; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc SAFE, & Prorisc 2004,
Veldhoven, pp. 657-661, Nov. 2004. ISBN 90-73461-43X.
document - Design of in-package MST-based actuators for micro-assembly
V. Henneken; S. van der Bedem; M. Tichem; B. Karpuschewski; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc SAFE & Prorisc 2004,
Veldhoven, pp. 747-752, Nov. 2004. ISBN 90-73461-43X. - Titanium Nitride for MEMS Hotplates
J.F. Creemer; P.M. Sarro; M. Laros; H. Schellevis; T. Nathoeni; L. Steenweg; V. Svetchnikov; H.W. Zandbergen;
In Proc SAFE & Prorisc 2004,
Veldhoven, pp. 742-746, Nov. 2004. ISBN 90-73461-43X. - Characterization of ferroelectric thin films materials for FeRAM
S.H. Le; B. R. Salmassi; J. N. Burghartz; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc SAFE & Prorisc 2004,
Veldhoven, pp. 710-713, Nov. 2004. ISBN 90-73461-43X. - A quantitative evaluation of pattern transfer across (111) surfaces in a (100) silicon wafer by contact masking and over-exposure
W. Venstra; M. Laros; J.W. Spronck; P.M. Sarro; J. van Eijk;
In Proc. Eurosensors XVIII,
Rome, pp. 313-316, Sept. 2004. 88-7621-282-5. - Spatial light modulators based on micromachined reflective membranes on viscoelastic layers
S. Sakarya; G. Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 108, Issue 1-3, pp. 271-275, Nov. 2003. - Three terminals optoelectronics devices integrated into a silicon on silicon waveguide
G. Coppola; A. Irace; G. Breglio; M. Iodice; L. Zeni; A. Cutolo; P.M. Sarro;
Optics and Lasers Engineering,
Volume 39, Issue 3, pp. 317-332, Mar. 2003. ISSN 0143-8166. - Transient analysis of a high-speed thermo-optic modulator integrated in an all-silicon waveguide
M. Iodice; F.G. Della Corte; I. Rendina; P.M. Sarro; M. Bellucci;
Volume 42, Issue 1, pp. 169-175, Jan. 2003. - Electrical Characteristics of Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposited Silicon Carbide Thin Films
H.T.M. Pham; T. Akkaya; C.R. de Boer; P.M. Sarro;
Material Science Forum,
Volume 433-436, pp. 451-454, 2003. ISSN 0255-5476. - Fabrication of crystalline membranes oriented in the (111) plane in a (100) silicon wafer
W.J. Venstra; P.M. Sarro;
Microelectronic Engineering,
Volume 67-68, pp. 502-507, Jun. 2003. - 3D molecular interconnection technology
D. Crawley; K. Nikolic; M. Forshaw; J. Ackermann; C. Videlot; T.N. Nguyen; L. Wang; P.M. Sarro;
J. Micromech. Microeng,
Volume 13, Issue 5, pp. 655-662, Jun. 2003. - Planar antiresonant reflecting optical waveguides as integrated optical refractometer
R. Bernini; S. Campopiano; L. Zeni; C. de Boer; P.M. Sarro;
IEEE Sensors Journal,
Volume 3, Issue 5, pp. 652-657, Oct. 2003. - Self-Adjustment of Micro-mechatronic Systems
M. Tichem; B. Karpuschewski; P.M. Sarro;
Annals of the CIRP,
Volume 52, Issue 1, pp. 17-20, 2003. - Micro-patterning of self-supporting layers with conducting polymer wires for 3D-chip interconnection applications
J. Ackermann; C. Videlot; T.N. Nguyen; L. Wang; P.M. Sarro; D. Crawley; K. Nikoli; M. Forshaw;
Applied Surface Science,
Volume 212-213, pp. 411-416, May 2003. - M3: the third dimension of silicon
P.M. Sarro;
Delft University of Technology: , Apr. 2003. ISBN 90-75774-02-8. - Technological approaches for fabrication of elastomer based spatial light modulators
S. Sakarya; G. Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. SPIE,
pp. 279-286, 2003. ISSN 0277-786X. - Through-Wafer Electrical Vias for RF Silicon technology
Z. Wang; L. Wang; H. Schellevis; W. Wien; J.N. Burghartz; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. SAFE 2003,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 761-765, Nov. 2003. ISBN 90-73461-39-1. - Experimental results of a three-terminal optical modulator based on a BMFET device
A. Irace; G. Breglio; M. Tordi; G. Coppola; C.R. de Boer; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. of SPIE,
Brugge, Belgium, pp. 125-132, Oct. 2003. ISSN 0277-786X.
document - Liquid crystal wavefront corrector with modal response
M. Loktev; G. Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. Eurosensors XVII,
University of Minho, Guimaraes, Portugal, pp. 598-599, Sep. 2003. - Wafer thinning for high-density, through-wafer interconnects
L. Wang; C.C.G. Visser; C.R. de Boer; M. Laros; W. van der Vlist; J. Groeneweg; G. Craciun; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. of SPIE,
San Jose, CA, pp. 532-539, Jan. 2003. ISSN 0277-786X.
document - Fabrication of a microfluidic chip for PCR applications
M. Bu; B. Husband; T. Melvin; G. ensell; N.P. Pham; P.M. Sarro; J.S. Wilkinson; A.G.R. Evans;
In Proc. MME 2003,
Delft, The Netherlands, pp. 119-122, Nov. 2003. ISBN 90-808266-1-8.
document - A model for film thickness using direct spray coating
N.P. Pham; J.N. Burghartz; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. IEEE EPTC conference,
Singapore, Dec. 2003.
document - Metal patterning on high topography surface for 3-D RF devices fabrication
N.P. Pham; E. Boellaard; W. Wien; L.D.M. van den Brekel; J.N. Burghartz; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. Eurosensors XVII,
University of Minho, Guimaraes, Portugal, pp. 440-443, Sep. 2003. - Integrated optical refractometer based on rib-ARROW waveguide
R. Bernini; S. Campopiano; L.Zeni; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc Eurosensors XVII,
University of Minho, Guimaraes, Portugal, pp. 139-142, Sep. 2003.
document - High Aspect Ratio through-Wafer Interconnections for 3D-Microsystems
L. Wang; A. Nichelatti; H. Schellevis; C. de Boer; C. Visser; T.N. Nguyen; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. 16th IEEE International MEMS conference,
Kyoto, Japan, pp. 634-637, Jan. 2003.
document - Technology of reflective membranes for spatial light modulators
S. Sakarya; G. Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 97-98, pp. 468-472, Apr. 2002. - Silicon thin-film UV filter for NADH fluorescence analysis
V.P. Iordanov; G.W. Lubking; R. R. IshiharaF. Wolffenbuttel; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 97-98, pp. 161-166, Apr. 2002. - X-ray spectroscopy with a Multi-anode Sawtooth Silicon Drift Detector: the diffusion process
J. Sonsky; R.W.Hollander; P.M. Sarro; C.W.E. van Eijk;
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A,
Volume 477, pp. 93-98, 2002. ISSN 0168-9002. - Through-wafer copper electroplating for 3-D interconnects
N.T. Nguyen; E. Boellaard; N.P. Pham; V.G. Kutchoukov; G. Craciun; P.M. Sarro;
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,
Volume 12, Issue 4, pp. 395-399, Jul. 2002. ISSN 0960-1317. - Fabrication of a glass-implemented microcapillary electrophoresis device with integrated contactless conductivity detection
A. Berthold; F. Laugere; H. Schellevis; C.R. de Boer; M. Laros; R.M. Guijt; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
Volume 23, Issue 20, pp. 3511-3519, Oct. 2002. ISSN 0173-0835. - Agile beams and micromachined membrane deformable mirrors
G. Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In The 15th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS 2002),
pp. 576-577, 2002. ISBN 0-7803-7500-9. - Self-adjustment of optical interconnects using in-package MEMS-based actuators
K.J. van Nielen; W.J. Venstra; M. Tichem; M. Laros; P.M. Sarro; B. Karpuschewski;
In J. Saneistr; P. Ripka (Ed.), Proceedings Eurosensors XVI,
Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Technical University, pp. 794-797, Sep. 2002. - Development of a silicon-based modal liquid crystal wavefront corrector
M.Y. Loktev; G.V. Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. SPIE: Photonics, Devices, and Sytems II,
Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 558-564, May 2002. - Substrate Options and Add-On Process Modules for Monolithic RF Silicon Technology
J.N. Burghartz; M. Bartek; B. Rejaei; P.M. Sarro; A. Polyakov; N.P. Pham; E. Boullaard; K.T. Ng;
In Proc. 2002 Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting (BCTM 2002),
Monterey, CA, pp. 17-23, Sept. 2002. ISBN 0-7803-7562-9. - Technological aspects of a custom CMOS sensor for adaptive optics
D. de Lima Monteiro; G.V. Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. SPIE: Photonics, Devices, and Sytems II,
Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 31-36, May 2002. - Arrays of spherical micromirrors and molded microlenses fabricated with bulk Si micromachining
G.V. Vdovin; O. Akhzar Mehr; P.M. Sarro; D.W. de Lima Monteiro; M.Y. Loktev;
In Proc. SPIE: MEMS/MOEMS: Advances Photonic Communications, Sensing, Metrology, Packaging and Assembly,
Brugge, Belgium, pp. 107-111, Oct. 2002. - Low-cost technological approaches to micromachined spatial light modulators
S. Sakarya; G. Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. SPIE: High-Resolution Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and Applications IV,
Seattle, WA, USA, pp. 264-271, Jul. 2002. - Modal corrector integrated in silicon: possibilities for implementation
M.Y. Loktev; G.V. Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. SPIE: Optics Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems V,
Agia Pelagia, Greece, pp. 196-205, Sept. 2002. - Fabrication technology for micromachined spatial light modulators
S. Sakarya; G. Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. SPIE: Integrated Optical Devices: Fabrication and Testing,
Brugge, Belgium, pp. 219-226, Oct. 2002. - CMOS-compatible wells for integrated high-speed screening arrays
B.L. Gray; R. Moerman; L.R. van den Doel; H.R. Dietrich; V.P. Iordanov; N.P. Pham; L.M. Sarro; A. Bossche; M.J. Vellekoop;
In Proc. SPIE: Biomedical Nanotechnology Architectures and Applications,
pp. 103-108, Jan. 2002. - Technology for integrated spatial light modulators based on reflective membranes
S. Sakarya; G.V. Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In J.D. Gonglewski; M.A. Vorontsov; M.T. Gruneisen (Ed.), Proc. SPIE: High-Resolution Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and Applic. III,
pp. 21-28, Feb. 2002. - Technology for Integrated Spatial Light Modulators based on Viscoelastic Layers
S. Sakarya; G. Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. SeSens 2002,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, STW, pp. 672-675, Nov. 2002. ISBN 90-73461-33-2. - Electrical and Optical Properties of PECVD SiC Thin Films for Surface Micromachined Devices
H.T.M. Pham; T. Akkaya; C. de Boer; C.C.G. P. Visser.M. Sarro;
In Proc. SeSens 2002,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, STW, pp. 662-666, Nov. 2002. ISBN 90-73461-33-2. - Customized CMOS wavefront sensor
D.W. de Lima Monteiro; G.V. Vdovin; J.G. Rocha; V.P. Iordanov; M.Y. Loktev; P.M. Sarro;
In J.D. Gonglewski; M.A. Vorontsov; M.T. Gruneisen (Ed.), Proc. SPIE: High-Resolution Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and Applic. III,
pp. 88-99, Feb. 2002. - Photoresist wells for integrated high-speed screening arrays
B.L. Gray; R. Moerman; L.R. van den Doel; V.P. Iordanov; N.P. Pham; P.M. Sarro; A. Bossche; M.J. Vellekoop;
In Proc. SESENS 2002,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 791-794, Nov. 2002. ISBN 90-73461-28-6. - Filtered Photodiode Arrays for NADH Fluorescence Analysis
V.P. Iordanov; J. Bastemeijer; R. Ishihara; P.M. Sarro; A. Bossche; M. Vellekoop;
In Proc. SeSens 2002,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, STW, pp. 627-630, Nov. 2002. ISBN 90-73461-33-2. - Fluorescence Measurements in Thick-Film Polymer Wells
B.L. Gray; V.P. Iordanov; R. van den Doel; P.M. Sarro; A. Bossche;
In Proc. SeSens 2002,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, STW, pp. 622-626, Nov. 2002. ISBN 90-73461-33-2. - Spin, Spray and Eloctroplating of Photoresist for MEMS Structures: A Comparison
N.P. Pham; E. Boellaard; P.M. Sarro; J.N. Burghartz;
In Proc. SAFE 2002,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, STW, pp. 81-86, Nov. 2002. ISBN 90-73461-33-2. - Thinning of Micromachined Wafers for High-Density, Through-Wafer Interconnects
L. Wang; C.C.G. Visser; C. de Boer; M. Laros; W. van der Vlist; J. Groeneweg; G. Craciun; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. SAFE 2002,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, STW, pp. 121-126, Nov. 2002. ISBN 90-73461-33-2. - Planar Antiresonant Reflecting Optical Waveguides as Sensors for Liquid Substances
R. Bernini; S. Campopiano; L. Zeni; C. de Boer; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. IEEE Sensors 2002,
Orlando, Florida, USA, pp. 13.4/1-13.4/4, Jun. 2002. ISBN 0-7803-7455-X. - Through-Wafer Copper Electroplating for RF Silicon Technology
N.T. Nguyen; K. Ng; E. Boellaard; N.P. Pham; G. Craciun; P.M. Sarro; J.N. Burghartz;
In Proc. ESSDERC 2002,
Firenze, Italy, University of Bologna, pp. 255-258, Sep. 2002. ISBN 88-900847-8-2. - CMOS-Compatible Optical Filter for High-Throughput Enzymatic-Analysis Devices
V.P. Iordanov; R. Ishihara; P.M. Sarro; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche; M.J. Vellekoop;
In IEEE Sensors 2002,
Hyatt Orlando, Orlando, Florida, USA, pp. 9.6/1-9.6/4, Jun. 2002. ISBN 0-7803-7455-X. - Fabrication of Crystalline Membranes Oriented in the (111) plane in a (100) Silicon Wafer
W.J. Venstra; P.M. Sarro;
In Micro- and NanoEngineering 2002 International Conference,
Lugano, Switzerland, pp. 226-227, Sep. 2002. - Electronic baseline-suppression for liquid conductivity detection in a capillary electrophoresis microchip
F. Laugere; J. Bastemeijer; G. van der Steen; M.J. Vellekoop; P.M. Sarro; A. Bossche;
In IEEE Sensors 2002,
Hyatt Orlando, Orlando, Florida, USA, pp. 20.3/1-20.3/4, Jun. 2002. ISBN 0-7803-7455-X. - Self-adjustment of optical interconnects using in-package MEMS-based actuators
K.J. van Nielen; W.J. Venstra; M. M. Tichem. Laros; P.M. Sarro; B. Karpuschewski;
In Eurosensors XVI - Part 2,
Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Technical University, pp. 457-458, Sep. 2002. ISBN 80-01-02576-4. - Electrical characteristics of plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition silicon carbide thin films
H.T.M. Pham; T. Akkaya; C.R. de Boer; P.M. Sarro;
In Fourth European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ECSCRM 2002),
Linkoping, Sweden, Sep. 2002. - Integrated Coulter counter with non-coaxial sheath-flow and dynamic aperture control
J.H. Nieuwenhuis; J. Bastemeijer; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
In J. Saneistr; P. Ripka (Ed.), Eurosensors XVI - Part 1,
Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Technical University, pp. 699-700, Sep. 2002. ISBN 80-01-02576-4. - In-situ doped PECVD SiC for surface micromachined devices
H.T.M. Pham; C.R. de Boer; L.S. Pakula; P.M. Sarro;
In J. Saneistr; P. Ripka (Ed.), Eurosensors XVI - Part 1,
Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Technical University, pp. 119-120, Sep. 2002. ISBN 80-01-02576-4. - Direct spray coating of photoresist - a new method for patterning 3-D structures
N.P. Pham; T.L.M. Scholtes; R. Klerks; E. Boellaard; P.M. Sarro; J.N. Burghartz;
In J. Saneistr; P. Ripka (Ed.), Eurosensors XVI - Part 1,
Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Technical University, pp. 89-90, Sep. 2002. ISBN 80-01-02576-4. - Realization of High Aspect Ratio Interconnections Based on Macroporous Silicon
A. Nichelatti; T. Nguyen; P.M. Sarro;
In J. Saneistr; P. Ripka (Ed.), Eurosensors XVI - Part 1,
Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Technical University, pp. 97-98, Sep. 2002. ISBN 80-01-02576-4. - Thin photodiodes for a neutron scintillator silicon-well detector
C.P. Allier; R.W. Hollander; C.W.E. van Eijk; P.M. Sarro; M. de Boer; J.B. Czirr; J.P. Chaminade; C. Fouassier;
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science,
Volume 48, Issue 4, pp. 1154-1157, Aug. 2001. - Multi-anode sawtooth SDD for X-ray spectroscopy fabricated on NTD wafers
J. Sonsky; R.W. Hollander; C.W.E. van Eijk; P.M. Sarro; V. Kouchpil;
IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science,
Volume 48, pp. 258-261, 2001. ISSN 0018-9499. - IC-compatible two-level bulk micromachining process module for RF silicon technology
N.P. Pham; P.M. Sarro; K.T. Ng; J.N. Burghartz;
IEEE Tr. Electron Devices,
Volume 48, Issue 8, pp. 1756-1764, Aug. 2001. - Si Based Thin-Film Filter with High Visible-Over-UV Selectivity for Biochemical Fluorescence Analysis
V.P. Iordanov; G.W. Lubking; R. R. Ishihara; R.F. Wolffenbuttel; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
In The 11th Intern. Conf. on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators (Transducers 01),
Munich, Germany, pp. 1182-1185, Jun. 2001. ISBN 3-540-42150-5. - Thermophysical Characterisation of PolySi0.7Ge0.3 for Use in Thermoelectric Devices
D.D.L. Wijngaards; S.H. Kong; P.M. Sarro; R.F. Wolffenbuttel;
In The 11th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators (Transducers 01),
Munich, Germany, pp. 1010-1013, Jun. 2001. ISBN 3-540-42150-5.
document - Technology of reflective membranes for spatial light modulators
S. Sakarya; G.Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In The 11th Intern. Conf. on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators (Transducers 01),
Munich, Germany, pp. 1336-1339, Jun. 2001. ISBN 3-540-42150-5.
document - Direct Spray Coating of Photoresist for MEMS applications
N.P.Pham; T.M.L.Scholtes; R.Klerk; B.Wieder; P.M. Sarro; J.N.Burghartz;
In Proceedings of the SPIE,
San Fransisco, USA, pp. 312-319, Oct. 2001. ISBN 0-8194-4285-2.
document - Temperature Optical Sensor based on all silicon Bimodal Waveguide
G. Coppola; C. R. de Boer; G. Breglio; M. Iodice; A. Irace; P. M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of SESENS 2001,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 777-782, 2001. ISBN 90-73461-29-4.
document - Evaluation of In-Situ Doped PECVD SiC Thin Films for Surface Micromachining
H.T.M. Pham; C.R. de Boer; C. Kwakernaak; W.G. Sloof; P.M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of SESENS 2001,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 856-860, 2001. ISBN 90-73461-29-4.
document - Dry Etching Release of Structures in Post-Process Surface Micromachining using Polyimide as a Sacrificial Layer
A. Bagolini; H.T.M. Pham; T.L.M. Scholtes; L. Pakula; P.M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of SESENS 2001,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 769-772, 2001. ISBN 90-73461-29-4.
document - Optoelectronic Modulator Realized by a Fully Compatible Bipolar Process
G. Coppola; C.R. de Boer; G. Breglio; A. Irace; P. M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of SAFE 2001,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 24-29, 2001. ISBN 90-73461-29-4. - Wafer Thinning for Highly Dense 3D Electronic Structures
L. Wang; P.M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of SAFE 2001,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 214-219, 2001. ISBN 90-73461-29-4.
document - Through-wafer Copper plug formation for 3-dimensional ICs
T.Nguyen Nhu; E Boellard; N.P.Pham; V.G.Kutchukov; G.Craciun; P.M. Sarro;
In Proceedings of SAFE 2001,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, pp. 141-144, 2001. ISBN 90-73461-29-4. - Through-wafer copper electroplating for 3-D interconnects
N.T.Nguyen; E. Boellaard; N.P.Pham; G.Craciun; V.G.Kutchoukov; P.M. Sarro;
In M.Hill; B.Lane (Ed.), Proceedings MME 2001,
Cork-Ireland, pp. 74-77, Sept. 2001. - Spray coating of AZ4562 photoresist for MEMS applications
N.P.Pham; P.M. Sarro; J.N.Burghartz;
In Proceedings of SAFE 2001,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, 2001. ISBN 90-73461-28-6. - Technology for Spatial Light Modulators based on Reflective Silicon Structures
S. Sakarya; G.Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. Sensor Technology Conference,
The Netherlands, pp. 25-30, 2001.
document - Flexible silicon micromachined structures for use in integrated spatial light modulators
S. Sakarya; G. Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. SeSens 2001,
Veldhoven, The Netherlands, STW, pp. 861-864, Nov., 2001 2001. ISBN 90-73461-?.
document - Micromachined Si-well scintillator pixel sensors for thermal neutron detection
C.P. Allier; R.W. Hollander; C.W.E. van Eijk; M. de Boer; J.G.E. Gardeniers; P.M. Sarro; J.B. Czirr;
In M. Elwenspoek (Ed.), Proc. Sensor Technology Conf,
Enschede, The Netherlands, pp. 191-196, May 2001. ISBN 0-7923-7012-0.
document - Polyimide sacrificial layer for post-processing surface micromachining
A. Bagolini; T.L.M. Scholtes; H.T.M. Pham; L. Pakula; P.M. Sarro;
In M.Hill; B.Lane (Ed.), Proc. MME 2001,
Cork, Ireland, pp. 58-61, Sept. 2001. - Integrated high rejection filter for NADH fluorescence measurements
V.P. Iordanov; G.W. Lubking; P.M. Sarro; R.F. Wolffenbuttel; M.J. Vellekoop;
In Proc. Sensor2001,
Nurnberg, Germany, May 2001. - A Micromachining Post-Process Module with Pattern Transfer in Deep Cavities for RF Silicon Technology
N.P. Pham; P.M. Sarro; K. Ng; J.N. Burghartz;
In Proc. MEMS 2001,
Interlaken, Switzerland, pp. 345-348, Jan. 2001. ISBN 0-7803-5998-4. - Influence of deposition parameters and temperature on stress and strain of in-situ doped PECVD Silicon carbide
H.T.M. Pham; C.R. de Boer; L. Pakula; P.M. Sarro;
In S. Yoshida et al. (Ed.), Proc. International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2001 (ICSCRM2001),
Tsukuba, Japan, pp. 759-762, Oct. 2001. ISBN 0-87849-X. - Integrated Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensor
D.W. de Lima Monteiro; A. Vilaca; G. Vdovin; M. Loktev; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. 3rd Adaptive optics conference for Industry and Medicine,
Albuquerque, USA, pp. 179-183, 2001. - Mechanical and structural properties of in-situ doped PECVD SiC layers for post-processing surface micromachining
H.T.M. Pham; C.R. de Boer; C. Kwakernaak; W.G. Sloof; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc of SPIE Micromachining and Microfabrication,
San Francisco, CA, pp. 272-279, 2001. ISBN 0-8194-4285-2. - Effect of annealing on mechanical and optical properties of in-situ doped sic thin films
H.T.M. Pham; C.R. de Boer; C.C.G. P. Visser.M. Sarro;
In Proc of SPIE International Symposium on Optoelectronics and Microelectronics,
Nanjing, China, pp. 59-66, 2001. ISBN 0-8194-4340-9. - Integrated RF passive components - discrete vs. distributed
J.N. Burghartz; K.T. Ng; N.P. Pham; B. Rejaei; P.M. Sarro;
In Device Research Conference,
pp. 113-114, 2001.
document - Silicon carbide as a new MEMS technology
P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 82, pp. 210-218, 2000. ISSN 0924-4247. - Effect of Surfactant on Surface Quality of Silicon Microstructures Etched in Saturated TMAHW Solutions
P.M. Sarro; D. Brida; W. van der Vlist; S. Brida;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 85, pp. 340-345, 2000. ISSN 0924-4247. - Glass-to-glass anodic bonding with standard IC technology thin films as intermediate layers
A. Berthold; L. Nicola; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 82, Issue 1-3, pp. 224-228, 2000. - Design and fabrication of infrared detector arrays for satellite attitude control
A.W. van Herwaarden; F.G. van Herwaarden; S.A. Molenaar; E.J.G. Goudena; M. Laros; P.M. Sarro; C.A. Schot; W. van der Vlist; L. Blarre; J.P. Krebs;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 83, pp. 101-108, 2000. - Micro-CAT with redundant electrodes (CATER)
F.D. van den Berg; C.W.E. van Eijk; R.W. Hollander; P.M. Sarro;
Nuclear Instruments and Methods Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,
Volume 453, Issue 3, pp. 530-535, Oct. 2000. - Scintillation light read-out by low-gain thin avalanche photodiodes in silicon wells
C.P. Allier; R.W. Hollander; P.M. Sarro; M. de Boer; C.W.E. van Eijk;
IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science,
Volume 47, Issue 4, pp. 1303-1306, 2000. - X-ray Detection With Multi-anode Sawtooth Silicon Drift Detectors
J. Sonsky; J. Huizenga; R.W. Hollander; C.W.E. van Eijk; P.M. Sarro;
IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.,
Volume 47, Issue 3, pp. 750-755, 2000. ISSN 0018-9499. - Silicon drift detector with reduced lateral diffusion: experimental results
J. Sonsky; H. Valk; J. Huizenga; R.W. Hollander; C.W.E. van Eijk; P.M. Sarro;
IEEE Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. Phys. Res. A,
Volume 439, Issue 2-3, pp. 513-518, 2000. - Scintillation light read-out by thin photodiodes in silicon wells
C.P. Allier; R.W. Hollander; P.M. Sarro; C.W.E. van Eijk;
IEEE Nuclear Instruments & Methods Physics Research A,
Volume 442, pp. 255-258, 2000. - Low-loss small cross-section silicon-on-silicon rib waveguides with high-confining ion-implanted lower cladding
M. Iodice; G. Cocorullo; F. G. Della Corte; T. Polichetti; I. Rendina; P. M. Sarro;
In SPIE Photonics West Conf.,
San Jose, Ca, USA, pp. 120-126, Jan. 2000. - A Micromachining Post-Process Module for RF Silicon Technology
N.P. Pham; K.T. Ng; M. Bartek; P. M. Sarro; B. Rejaei; J.N. Burghartz;
In Proc. IEDM 2000,
San Francisco, USA, pp. 481-484, Dec. 2000. ISBN 0-7803-6438-4. - Infrared Thermal Imaging of SiNx membranes
A. Irace; G. Breglio; P. Spirito; P.M. Sarro;
In SPIE Photonics West Conf.,
San Diego, USA, Jul. 2000. - Fluorescence analysis in subnanoliter reactor wells: evaluation of different possible illumination configurations
Iordanov V.; W. Lubking; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
In SeSens 2000,
pp. 643-645, Dec. 2000. - Technology of reflective micromachined pixelated membranes for use in spatial light modulators
Sakarya S.; G. Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In SeSens 2000,
pp. 689-691, Dec. 2000. ISBN 90-73461-24-3. - Multisensing in Subnanoliters High-Speed Screning (HSS) Arrays
M.J. Vellekoop; K.T. Hjelt; G.W. Lubking; J. Bastermeijer; P.M. Sarro; et al;
In Proc. XIV Eurosensors Conf.,
Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 39-42, Aug. 2000. ISBN 87-89935-50-0. - Micromachined membrane deformable mirrors for space applications
G. Vdovin; P.M. Sarro; S. Manhart; Z. Sodnik;
In Proc. XIV Eurosensors Conf.,
Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 559-560, Aug. 2000. - Integrated shape sensor for particles and cells based on optical projection
J.H. Nieuwenhuis; G.W. Lubking; A. Berthold; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
In Proc. XIV Eurosensors Conf.,
Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 891-894, Aug. 2000. - Two-step glass-etching for microfluidic devices
A. Berthold; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
In Proc. SeSens 2000 workshop,
Veldhoven, pp. 613-616, Dec. 2000. - Reflective 2D pixelated membranes for micromachined spatial light modulators
S. Sakarya; G. Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. XIV Eurosensors Conf.,
Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 333-336, Aug. 2000. ISBN 87-89935-50-0. - A novel micromachining process using pattern transfer over large topography for RF components
N.P. Pham; P.M. Sarro; K.T. Ng; R. Behzad; J.N. Burghartz;
In Proc. SAFE,
Veldhoven, pp. 125-128, 2000. ISBN 90-73461-24-3. - A Sub-Surface Metallization Post-Process IC Module for RF Technology
K.T. Ng; N.P. Pham; B. Rejaei; P.M. Sarro; J.N. Burghartz;
In Proc. of IEEE BCTM,
Minneapolis, pp. 195-198, Sept. 25-27 2000. ISBN 0-7803-6384-1. - IC-compatible Two-level Bulk Micromachining for RF Silicon Technology
N.P. Pham; P.M. Sarro; K.T. Ng; J.N. Burghartz;
Cork, Ireland, pp. 204-207, Sept. 2000. ISBN 2-86332-248-6. - IC-compatible process for pattern transfer in deep wells for integration of RF components
N.P.Pham; P.M. Sarro; J.N.Burghartz;
In J.M.Karam; Y.Yasitis (Ed.), Proc of SPIE Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology VI,
Santa Clara, pp. 390-397, Sept. 2000. ISSN 0277-786X. - Characterization of a Bullk-Micromachined Post-Process Module for Silicon RF Technology
K.T. Ng; N.P. Pham; P.M. Sarro; B. Rejaei Salmassi; J.N. Burghartz;
In IEEE topical meeting on Silicon Monolithic integrated Circuits RF systems,
pp. 99-102, Apr. 2000. - Measurement of thermal conductivity and diffusivity of single and multilayer membranes
A. Irace; P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators,
Volume A76, Issue 1-3, pp. 323-328, 1999. - Technology and applications of micromachined adaptive mirrors
G,Vdovin; P.M. Sarro; S.Middelhoek;
J.Micromech. Microeng.,
Volume 9, pp. 8-20, 1999. ISSN-0960-1317. - Electron confinement in multi-anode saw tooth silicon drift detectors with an anode pitch of 250µm
J. Sonsky; H.Valk; J.Huizenga; and R.W.Hollander; C.W.E. van Eijk; P.M. Sarro;
IEEE Trans on Nucl. Science,
Volume 46, Issue 3, pp. 271-274, 1999. ISSN 0018-9499. - Thin photodiodes for a scintillator-silicon well detector
C.P. Allier; R.W. Hollander; P.M. Sarro; C.W.E. van Eijk;
IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science,
Volume 46, Issue 6, pp. 1948-1951, 1999. - Diminished electron cloud broadening in a silicon drift detector by sawtooth p+ strips
J. Sonsky; H.Valk; C. P. Allier; R.Hollander; C.W.E. van Eijk; P.M. Sarro;
IEEE Trans on Nucl. Science,
Volume 46, Issue 1, pp. 53-58, 1999. ISSN 0018-9499. - One- and two-dimensional CMOS position-sensitive detectors
D.W. de Lima Monteiro; G.Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In Topical meeting on Adaptive Optics, US Air Force,
Albuquerque, USA, 1999. - Various layouts of analog CMOS optical position-sensitive detectors
D.W. de Lima Monteiro; G. Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. SPIE Materials and Electronics for High-Speed and Infrared Detectors,
Denver, pp. 134-142, Jul. 1999. ISBN 0-8194-3280-6. - Micro-injection of b-D-glucose standards and Amplex Red reagent on micro-arrays
R. Moerman; L.R. van den Doel; S. Picioreanu; J. Frank; J.C.M. Marijnissen; G. van Dedem; K.T. Hjelt; M J Vellekoop; P M Sarro; I.T. Young;
In Proceedings SPIE,
San Jose, pp. 119-128, Jan. 1999. ISBN 0-8194-3076-5. - Fluorescence detection in (sub-)nanoliter microarrays
L.R. van d. Doel; M.J. Vellekoop; P.M. Sarro; S. Picioreanu; R. Moerman; H. Frank; G. van Dedem; K. Hjelt; L.J. van Vliet; I.T. Young;
In Proceedings SPIE,
San Jose, pp. 28-39, Jan. 1999. ISBN 0-8194-3076-5. - Recent progress in technology and applications of membrane micromachined deformable mirrors
G. Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. SPIE High-resolution wavefront control: methods, devices and applications,
Denver, pp. 2-11, Jul. 1999. ISBN 0-8194-3246-6. - IC-Compatible Two-level Bulk Micromachining for RF components
N.P.Pham; K.T. Ng; J.M.W. Laros; T.L.M. Scholtes; P.M. Sarro; J.N. Burghartz;
In J.P.Veen (Ed.), Proc.SAFE 99,
Mierlo, The Netherlands, pp. 359-362, 1999. ISBN 90-73461-18-9. - Thermal Conductivity Measurement on a SiC Thin Film
A. Irace; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. XIII Eurosensors Conf.,
The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 809-812, Sept. 1999. - All-Glass Microstructures for Biochemical Analysis Systems
A. Berthold; L. Nicola; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop; G. Pignatel;
In Proc. XIII Eurosensors Conf.,
The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 975-978, Sept. 1999. - Technology of Pixelated Flexible Silicon Structures for Spatial Light Modulators
S. Sakarya; G. Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. XIII Eurosensors Conf.,
The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 737-740, Sept. 1999. - Piezoelectric ZnO Membrane Resonators for Liquid Property Sensing
S. Koller; O. Brand; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop; H. Baltes;
In Proc. XIII Eurosensors Conf.,
The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 677-680, Sept. 1999. - Design of Infrared Detector Arrays for Satellite Attitude Control
A.W. van Herwaarden; F.G. van Herwaarden; S.A. Molenaar; B. Goudena; M. Laros; P.M. Sarro; C.A.Schot; W. van der Vlist; L. Blarre; J.P. Krebs;
In Proc. XIII Eurosensors Conf.,
The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 309-316, Sept. 1999. - Micromachined SLM based on pixelated reflective membranes
S. Sakarya; G. Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. SPIE Conf. on High-Resolution Wavefront Control,
Denver, USA, pp. 23-31, Jul. 1999. - Effect of Surfactant on Surface Quality of Silicon Microstructures Etched in Saturated TMAHW Solutions
P.M. Sarro; D. Brida; W. van der Vlist; G. Pignatel; S.Brida;
In Proc. XIII Eurosensors Conf.,
The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 389-392, Sept. 1999. - Technology of pixelated reflective membranes for spatial light modulators
S. Sakarya; G.Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In J.P.Veen (Ed.), Proc. SAFE 99,
Mierlo, The Netherlands, pp. 671-676, 1999. ISBN 90-73461-18-9. - Position-sensitive detectors for a wavefront sensor
D.W. de Lima Monteiro; G.Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In J.P.Veen (Ed.), Proc. SAFE 99,
Mierlo, The Netherlands, pp. 287-294, 1999. ISBN 90-73461-18-9. - Glass-To-Glass Anodic Bonding
A.Berthold; L.Nicola; P.M. Sarro; M.J.Vellekoop;
In J.P.Veen (Ed.), Proc. SAFE 99,
Mierlo, The Netherlands, pp. 33-36, 1999. ISBN 90-73461-18-9. - Integration of a Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensor
D.W. de Lima Monteiro; G. Vdovin; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine,
Durham, World Scientific, pp. 215-220, Jul. 1999. ISBN 981-02-4115-1. - Lamb wave sensor with tensile ZnO Liquid Property Sensing
S. Koller; O. Brand; H. Baltes; B.Jakoby; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
In Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Solid-State Transducers,
Sendai, Japan, pp. 1512-1515, Jun. 1999. - Silicon carbide as a new MEMS technology
P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Solid-State Transducers,
Sendai, Japan, The Institute of Electr. Eng. of Japan, pp. 186-189, Jun. 1999. - A novel technological process for glaas-to-glass anodic bonding
A. Berthold; L. Nicola; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
In Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Solid-State Transducers,
Sendai, Japan, pp. 1324-1327, Jun. 1999. - Fabrication of a focal plane array infrared detector for a satellite attitude control system
A.W. van Herwaarden; F.G. van Herwaarden; S.A. Molenaar; B. Goudena; M. Laros; P.M. Sarro; C.A.Schot; W. van der Vlist; L. Blarre; J.P. Krebs;
In Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Solid-State Transducers,
Sendai, Japan, pp. 394-397, Jun. 1999. - Offset reduction of Hall plates in three different crystal planes
S. Bellekom; P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 66, Issue 1-3 (1998), pp. 23-28, 1998. - Anisotropic etching of silicon in saturated TMAHW solutions for IC-compatible micromachining
P.M. Sarro; S. Brida; C.M.A. Ashruf; W. van d. Vlist; H. van Zeijl;
Sensors and Materials,
Volume 10, Issue 4, pp. 201-212, 1998. - Thermo-optic effect exploitation in Silicon microstructures
G. Cocorullo; F.G. Della Corte; I. Rendina; P. M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 71, Issue 1-2, pp. 19-26, 1998. ISSN-0924-4247. - Magnetic-field meassurement using an integrated resonant magnetic-field sensor
Zs.Kadar; A.Bossche; P.M. Sarro; J.R.Mollinger;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 70, pp. 225-232, 1998. ISSN-0924-4247. - Low stress PECVD thin film SiC for IC compatible microstructures
P.M. Sarro; C.R. de Boer; E. Korkmaz; J.W.M. Laros;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 67, pp. 175-180, 1998. - A microgap photomultiplier for the read-out of LaF3 : Nd (10%) scintillator
J. van der Marel; V.R.Bom; C.W.E. van Eijk; R.W. Hollander; P.M Sarro;
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys.Res. A,
Volume 410, pp. 229-237, 1998. ISSN 0168-9002. - Design and characterization of MicroGap Counters on silicon
F.D. van d. Berg; J. van d. Marel; C.W.E. van Eijk; R.W. Hollander; P.M. Sarro;
Nucl Instr and Meth. A.,
Volume 409, pp. 90-94, 1998. - Two silicon optical modulators realizable with a fully compatible bipolar process
G. Breglio; A. Cutolo; A. Irace; P. Spirito; L. Zeni; M. Iodice; P.M. Sarro;
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics vol. 4,
Issue 6, pp. 1003-1010, 1998. - Silicon-on-silicon rib waveguides with a high-confining ion-implanted lower cladding
G. Cocorullo; F.G. Della Corte; M. Iodice; I. Rendina; P.M. Sarro;
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics,
Volume 4, Issue 6, pp. 983-989, 1998. - Enhancement of propagation characteristics in all-silicon waveguide by ion implantation
G. Cocorullo; F.G. Della Corte; M. Iodice; I. Rendina; P.M. Sarro;
In OSA Intern. Symposium on Integrated Photonics Research,
Victoria, Canada, pp. 339-341, 1998. - A novel technique to measure the thermal conductivity of thin film membranes
A. Irace; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc.SPIE Micromachining and Microfabrication 1998 Symposium,
Santa Clara, USA, SPIE, pp. 367-373, Sep. 1998. - Fluorescence Detection in (sub)-nanoliter Microarrays
L.R. van d. Doel; M.J. Vellekoop; P.M. Sarro; S. Picioreanu; R. Moerman; H. Frank; G. van Dedem; K. Hjelt; I.T. Young;
In Proc. 4th Annual Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI 98),
Lommel, Belgium, pp. 58-62, Jun. 1998. - Determination of mechanical properties of piezoelectric ZnO films
S. Koller; V.Ziebart; O. Paul; O. Brand; H. Baltes; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
In Proc. SPIE Smart Electronics and MEMS Symposium,
San Diego, USA, SPIE, pp. 102-109, Mar. 1998. - Low temperature quartz-to-silicon bonding for SAW applications
A.Berthold; P.M. Sarro; M.J.Vellekoop;
In Proc. SPIE Smart Electronics and MEMS Symposium,
San Diego, USA, SPIE, pp. 81-85, Mar. 1998. - Quartz-to-silicon fusion bonding for micro acoustic wave applications
A. Berthold; P.M. Sarro; M.J. Vellekoop;
In Proc. Dutch Sensor Conf,
Twente, pp. 213-218, Mar. 1998. - Measurement of thermal conductivity and diffusivity on single and multi-layer membranes
A. Irace; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. Eurosensors XII Conf.,
Southampton, UK, pp. 27-30, Sep. 1998. - A neutron detector based on the Micro Gap Counter
F.D. van den Berg; V.R. Bom; C.W.E. van Eijk; R.W. Hollander; M. Bartek; P.M. Sarro; H. Schellevis; M.W. Johnson; N.J. Rhodes;
In C.W.E. van Eijk (Ed.), Proc. Neudess 98,
Delft, The Netherlands, Oct. 1998. ISBN 90-73861-42. - Silicon Micromachining Technologies
P.M. Sarro;
In INSEL 98 Conf.,
Naples, Italy, Oct. 1998. - Experimental results of electron confinement in a silicon drift detector with saw tooth shaped p+ strips
J. Sonsky; H. Valk; J. Huizenga; and R.W. Hollander; C.W.E. van Eijk; P.M. Sarro;
In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium 98,
Toronto, Canada, Nov. 1998. - Silicon Microsensors and Optical Switches Based on the Thermo-Optic Effect
G. Cocorullo; F. G. Della Corte; M. Iodice; I. Rendina; P.M. Sarro;
Florence, Italy, Jun. 1998. - An integrated silicon interferometric temperature sensor
G. Cocorullo; F.G. Della Corte; M. Iodice; I. Rendina; P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 61, Issue 1-3, pp. 267-272, 1997. - Backside-illuminated silicon photodiode array in an integrated spectrometer
T.A. Kwa; . P.M. Sarro; R.F. Wolffenbuttel;
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
Volume 44, Issue 5 (1997), pp. 761-765, 1997. - A temperature all-silicon micro-sensor based on the thermo-optic effect
G. Cocorullo; F.G. Della Corte; M. Iodice; I. Rendina; P.M. Sarro;
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
Volume 44, Issue 5 (1997), pp. 766-774, 1997. - Electrostatic aluminum micromirrors using double pass metallization
J. B�hler; J. Funk; J.G. Korvink; F.-P. Steiner; P.M. Sarro; H. Baltes;
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems,
Volume 6, Issue 2, pp. 126-135, 1997. - Technology and applications of micromachined silicon adaptive mirrors
G. Vdovin; S. Middelhoek; P.M. Sarro;
Opt. Eng.,
Volume 36, Issue 5, pp. 1382-1390, 1997. - An integrated charge amplifier for a pyroelectric sensor
D. Setiadi; A. Armitage; T.D. Binnie; P.P.L. Regtien; P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 61, Issue 1-3, pp. 421-426, 1997. - Silicon thermooptic micromodulators for low-cost low-performance fiber-in-the-loop applications
G. Cocorullo; F.G. Della Corte; I. Rendina; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc.SPIE Integrated Optic Devices '97 Symposium,
San Jose, California, USA, SPIE, pp. 312-337, 1997. - Low stress PECVD thin film SiC for IC compatible microstructures
P.M. Sarro; C.R. de Boer; M. Laros; E. Korkmaz;
In Proc. Eurosensors '97 Conf.,
Warsaw, Poland, pp. 920-932, Sep. 1997. - Temperature dependence and drift of a thermal accelerometer
U.A. Dauderstadt; P.M. Sarro; S. Middelhoek;
In Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Solid-State Transducers,
Chicago, USA, pp. 1209-1212, Jun. 1997. - Development of a 128 channel silicon drift detector for spectroscopic purposes
H. Valk; J. Huizenga; C.W. van Eijk; R.W.Hollander; L.K. Nanver; P.M. Sarro; A. van den Bogaard;
In Proc. 4th International Conference on Position-Sensitive Detectors,
Manchester, UK, pp. 169-172, Sept. 1997. - Recombination centers identification in very thin silicon epitaxial layers via lifetime measurements
S. Daliento; A. Sanseverino; P. Spirito; P.M. Sarro; L. Zeni;
IEEE Electr. De van Lett,
Volume 17, Issue 3, pp. 148-150, 1996. - Silicon three-axial tactile sensor
Z.Chu; P.M. Sarro; S. Middelhoek;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 54, pp. 505-510, 1996. - The PhotoElectroMagnetic Effect in planar silicon structures
J.F. Creemer; S. Middelhoek; P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 55, pp. 115-120, 1996. - Low temperature surface passivation for silicon solar cells
C. Leguijt; P. L�lgen; A.R. Burgers; J.A. Eikelboom; A.W. Weeber; F.M. Schuurmans; W.C. Sinke; P.F.A. Alkemade; P.M. Sarro; C.H.M. Mar�e; L.A. Verhoef;
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells,
Volume 40 (1996), pp. 297-345, 1996. - A 3x1 integrated pyroelectric sensor based on VDF/TrFE copolymer
D. Setiadi; P.M. Sarro; P.P.L. Regtien;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 52, pp. 103-109, 1996. - Simulation aspects of a thermal accelerometer
U.A. Dauerstadt; P.H.S. de Vries; R. Hiratsuka; J.G. Korvink; P.M. Sarro; H. Baltes; S. Middelhoek;
Sensors and Actuators A,
Volume 55 (1996), pp. 3-6, 1996. - Integrated ultraviolet sensor system with on-chip 1 Gohm Transimpedance Amplifier
D. Bolliger; P. Malcovati; A. Haberli; P.M. Sarro; F. Malobert; H. Baltes;
In ISSC 96 Digest of Technical Papers,
San Francisco, CA, pp. 328-329, Feb. 1996. - Anisotropic etching of silicon in saturated TMAHW solutions for IC-compatible micromachining
P.M. Sarro; S.Brida; C.M.A.Ashruf; W. van d.Vlist; H. van Zeijl;
In Proc. ASDAM '96 Conf.,
Smolenice, Slovakia, pp. 293-296, Oct. 1996. - A LaF3:Nd(10%) scintillator detector with microgap gas chamber read-out for the detection of x- rays
J. van der Marel; V.R. Bom; C.W.E. van Eijk; R.W. Hollander; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. 4th International Conference on Position-Sensitive Detectors,
Manchester, UK, Sept. 1996. - An integrated silicon interferometric temperature sensor
G. Cocorullo; F.G. Della Corte; M. Iodice; I. Rendina; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. Eurosensors '96 Conf.,
Leuven, Belgium, pp. 1413-1416, Sep. 1996. - An integrated charge amplifier for a pyroelectric sensor
D. Setiadi; A. Armitage; T.D. Binnie; P.P.L. Regtien; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. Eurosensors '96 Conf.,
Leuven, Belgium, pp. 355-358, Sep. 1996. - Micromachined mirror with a variable focal distance
G.Vdovin; S. Middelhoek; P.M. Sarro;
In Tech. Digest EOS Free Space Micro-Optical Systems,
Engelberg, Switzerland, pp. 28-29, Apr. 1996. - Thin-film free-space optical components micromachined in silicon
G.Vdovin; S. Middelhoek; P.M. Sarro;
In Techn Digest IEEE/LEOS Summer Topical Meeting Optical MEMS and Their Applications,
Keystone, Colorado, USA, pp. 5-6, Aug. 1996. - Silicon drift detectors for the detection of X- and g- rays
H.Valk; E.A.Hijzen; J.Huizenga; C.W. van Eijk; R.W.Hollander; L.K.Nanver; P.M. Sarro; A. van d.Bogaard; J.Slabbekoorn;
In Proc. National Sensor Conference,
Delft, The Netherlands, pp. 103-107, Mar. 1996. - Aluminum passivation in saturated TMAHW solutions for IC-compatible microstructures and device isolation
P.M. Sarro; S. Brida; W. van der Vlist;
In Proc.SPIE Micromachining and Microfabrication �96 Symposium,
Austin, Texas, USA, SPIE, pp. 242-250, Oct. 1996. - Temperature monitoring with a fully integrable on chip interferometric silicon micro-sensor based on the thermo-optic effect
G. Cocorullo; F.G. Della Corte; M. Iodice; I. Rendina; P.M. Sarro;
In Proc. MELECON '96,
Bari, Italy, pp. 1321-1323, May 1996. - Realization of an integrated VDF/TrFE copolymer-on-silicon pyroelectric sensor
D. Setiadi; P.P.L. Regtien; P.M. Sarro;
Microelectronic Engineering,
Volume 29, Issue 1-4, pp. 85-88, Dec. 1995. - Silicon accelerometer based on thermopiles
U.A. Dauderstadt; P.H.S. de Vries; R. Hiratsuka; P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
Volume 46, Issue 1-3, pp. 201-204, Jan.-Feb. 1995. - Technology characterization and application of adaptive mirrors fabricated with IC-compatible micromachining
G. Vdovin; S. Middelhoek; M. Bartek; P.M. Sarro; D. Solomatine;
In Proc. SPIE,
San Diego, CA, USA, pp. 116-129, Jun. 1995. - Evaluation of liquid properties using a silicon lamb wave sensor
M.J. Vellekoop; G.W. Lubking; P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
Volume 43, Issue 1-3, pp. 175-180, May 1994. - Integrated-circuit-compatible design and technology of acoustic-wave-based microsensors
M.J. Vellekoop; G.W. Lubking; P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
Volume 44, Issue 3, pp. 249-263, Sep. 1994. - Liquid and gas micro-calorimeters for (bio)chemical measurements
A. W. van Herwaarden; P.M. Sarro; J.W. Gardner; P. Bataillard;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
Volume 43, Issue 1-3, pp. 24-30, May 1994. - Application of electrostatic feedback to critical damping of an integrated silicon capacitive accelerometer
R.P. van Kampen; M.J. Vellekoop; P.M. Sarro; R.F. Wolffenbuttel;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
Volume 43, Issue 1-3, pp. 100-106, May 1994. - A silicon-silicon nitride membrane fabrication process for smart thermal sensors
P.M. Sarro; A.W. van Herwaarden; W. van der Vlist;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
Volume 42, Issue 1-3, pp. 666-671, Apr. 1994. - Application of VDF/TrFE copolymer for pyroelectric image sensors
D. Setiadi; P.P.L. Regtien; P. M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
Volume 42, Issue 1-3, pp. 585-592, Apr. 1994. - A pyroelectric matrix sensor using PVDF on silicon containing FET readout circuitry
P.C.A. Hammes; P.P.L. Regtien; P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
Volume 37-38, pp. 290-295, Jun.-Aug. 1993. - Design considerations for the thermal accelerometer
R. Hiratsuka; D.C. van Duyn; T. Otaredian; P. de Vries; P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
Volume 32, Issue 1-3, pp. 380-385, Apr. 1992. - Sensor technology strategy in silicon
P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
Volume 31, Issue 1-3, pp. 138-143, Mar. 1992. - Design considerations for a permanent-rotor-charge-excited micromotor with an electrostatic bearing
R.F. Wolffenbuttel; J.F.L. Goosen; P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
Volume 27, Issue 1-3, pp. 597-603, May 1991. - Compatibility of zinc oxide with silicon IC processing
M.J. Vellekoop; C.C.G. P. Visser.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
Volume 23, Issue 1-3, pp. 1027-1030, Apr. 1990. - Integrated thermopile sensors
A.W. van Herwaarden; D.C. van Duyn; B.W. van Oudheusden; P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
Volume 22, Issue 1-3, pp. 621-630, Jun. 1989. - Sensor array with A/D conversion based on flip-flops
W. Lian; S.E. Wouters; D.A. Aupers; P.M. Sarro;
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
Volume 22, Issue 1-3, pp. 592-597, Jun. 1989.
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Last updated: 10 Dec 2024

Lina Sarro
- +31 15 27 87708
- Room: EKL 00.041
- List of publications
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PhD students
- Elena Aprea
- Hao Hong
- Mudassir Husain
- Zhengwei Liao
- Feyza Pirim
- Pratik Tawade
- Hong Wah Chan (2024)
- Hande Aydogmus (2024)
- Paul Motreuil-Ragot (2023)
- Milica Dostanic (2023)
- Joost Romijn (2022)
- Juan Alfaro Barrantes (2021)
- Xueming Li (2020)
- Jianwen Sun (2020)
- Violeta Prodanovic (2019)
- William Quiros Solano (2019)
- Aleksandar Jovic (2019)
- Thu Hang Bui (2018)
- Cinzia Silvestri (2017)
- Pengfei Sun (2016)
- Miki Trifunovic (2016)
- Giuseppe Fiorentino (2015)
- Bruno Morana (2015)
- Vahid Mohammadi (2015)
- An Tran (2014)
- Thomas Moh (2013)
- Elina Iervolino (2012)
- Fabio Santagata (2011)
- Chenggang Shen (2011)
- Luigi Mele (2011)
- Marko Mihailovic (2011)
- Sebastian Sosin (2011)
- Jia Wei (2010)
- Vincent Henneken (2008)